Could this be a problem?


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Cloey always has a huge belly.
After she eats I swear that one day she'll just explode.
Her belly is always puffy and lumpy, always has been.
Here's a picture of her:

the picture doesn't look too bad, but when you see her from the top or side it looks like she's got marbles in her belly. I always assumed that she was firstly just tubby and secondly when she got REALLY big, she was full of eggs or was really full of food. Sometimes, it goes way down and that's when I assumed that she's gotten rid of eggs.

Something else just popped into my head - if their bellies get huge from eggs, then when they get rid of them and turn right around and eat them, is it a possibility that they could just be huge and fat all the time???

I have always kind of noticed, too, that it seems like her eyeballs are slightly sunken into her head and didn't think much of it.

This morning I noticed some stringy poo. It wasn't white but rather just stringy - hooked on to her still.

I feed them peas on quite a regular basis - she had probably the equivalent of 1/2 a pea last night. Do I need to be concerned? She's not really acting weird - just her normal starving self.

Any suggestions?
Oh no soundling like a bacteria desease like dropsy they can get sunken in eyes from that, and the long stringy poo can be a bacteria infection as well.
Man that's all I need.
I wonder if those damn bloodworms could have caused that...
I suppose Cloey will now be going into Liza's old little 1/2 gallon container for treatment.
She is going to HATE that.
I just looking for you on by articles seen it before trying to find it.
Hmm - I think I'll just keep an eye on her until tomorrow - I hate to pull her out of her tank because I don't have a hospital tank that's heated so she'd be at the mercy of room temp, and that could make things worse.

Maybe I'll put her in a little separation box and hang her on the inside of the tank - at least that way she'd be warm and still separated.
Good luck, you seem to get one better then another one gets ill, welcome to fishkeeping.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just keep an eye on her for a few days. Fish have deformities that can look like illnesses. I thought one of my bettas had popeye but it turned out that his eyes were just naturally stuck out farther than other bettas. Stringy poo shouldn't be worrisome in and of itself, it's white stringy poo that indicates problems. As I said, just watch her and make sure that it doesn't turn into anything worse. :thumbs:
Okay, that's good news.
I don't know much about keeping girlies - I'm kinda learning as I go.
She's such a complete HOG whenever food goes in I'm completely convinced that if, given the chance, she would eat until she literally exploded.

Her eyes have always kinda looked like this - and she's always been bloated up. I guess the poo just made me nervous. lol

Hey, do you know about the eggs - if they drop them then turn around and eat them, won't the cycle of them being huge just go on indefinitely? Or doesn't it work that way?
It doesn't work that way. Plus, other females will eat the eggs, too. Not just her. Eggs are nutritious (and a tasty treat, as far as they are concerned), but they don't fatten girls up into blimps after drops have been consumed. Mine go through fat-thin-fat cycles, too.

It doesn't really sound like you have anything to worry about with her, though. Try varying her diet a little, though, and see if that does the trick. Go ahead and keep giving her the bloodworms, but add other things (other than peas!), too.

Honestly, she sounds fine. You'd notice a major behavior change if it were dropsy or a bacterial infection.

As for her eyes, some girls have eyes close their head, some girls have eyes a little further from their head. It's usually normal.
I wouldn't worry too much about it... some females are just constantly full of eggs. I've noticed that my females in the female community tank usually have more eggs than the lone females, too. She looks healthy to me :)
As long as she's not pineconing, she's probably okay.
Thank goodness - I was dreading the weekend because I was afraid she's sick.
I forgot to mention that she does get a pretty varied diet...
she gets pellets on a regular basis- and they get pinches of daphnia every so often, and also frozen blood worms and peas here and there.

So she does get a varied diet so far. :)
Ah, well, sometimes they just have stringy poo. Mine do sometimes, but it never seems to last long. Just keep an eye on her, but I still think she sounds fine.
sounds like Ani,stringy poop very bloated..look closely for pine coning and redness :(

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