Could Someone Help Me, Petstore People Are No Help


New Member
Oct 8, 2007
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im from Oregon good sir
so i'm pretty much new to having fish as pets (well i had a couple goldfish like six years ago, but they died)... so the other day i went to a pet store to look at tarantulas, and the chich in the fish section was hott lol, and we talked for a while and i ended up buying a male crownfish betta for like no reason, so here are my questions; i bought some bio-gold floating pellets, how much and how often should i feed him, one pet store said follow the directions (3 or 4, 3 times daily), but a different pet store person told me to feed him every other day, and she breeds thousands of bettas... next question; i never though id like having a fish, but i friggin love watching mine, so peaceful, but i only have a half gallon betta tank, are there any other things i can put in there? any kind of living thing?

OH and one more thing, i read that they are somehwhat affectionate and like their owners... mine seems like he either hates me or is scared of me... how do i get it to like me? :unsure:
I would think that the instructions for the pellets are probably not far off. When I feed pellets, i'll usually give 3-4 at a time. Twice a day is plenty on that routine.

Most of us around here keep our bettas in 1 gallon tanks minimum, with a 2.5 gallon tank as the preferred minimum. You can't put anything else in these tanks, or anything less than them. If you want other animals in the tank then you will need a filter and the minimum you should have is a five gallon, with a ten gallon being preferable. In a five gallon I would not suggest anything than some snails, some shrimp, or an african dwarf (not clawed) frog or two. In a ten gallon you have a few more options as to fish.

If you only just bought the fish then it is still getting used to it's new home and to you. Bettas like to have plants and caves to hide in and they will become secure with their surroundings much quicker if they feel they have somewhere that they can retreat to for safety. Eventually your fish will come to associate you with food and will be quite pleased to see you, it just takes time.
Congrats on your new Betta! :D
Yeah, they're fun to watch! LOL, I have 5! :p

Anyway, 1gl is minimum size for a Betta.
I wouldn't add anything else to the tank. Maybe a fake plant or two?

I feed pellets too (Hikari), & 2 about 3 times a day.
I think that's fine :).

Good luck with him; I'm sure he'll get used to you.
What did you name him?
Listen to everyone about the Tank I have a one gallon No filter (My betta has been a lot happier with out a filter) and One gallon is perfect for the college dorm room XP! (Not knowing how old you are though) I feed my fish flakes just because he eats them and I a worried if I give him anything else he'll get to picky on me.

Your fish will get used to you. It wasn't untill this weekend that my betta started blowing bubble nest and coming to hte point of the tank when I come in the room. And I've only had him for a week. It seems most bettas get attached to their owners a lot sooner then mine did.

Congrats on your betta! you should post Pictures of him!
Congrats on your new Betta! :DYeah, they're fun to watch! LOL, I have 5! :pAnyway, 1gl is minimum size for a Betta.I wouldn't add anything else to the tank. Maybe a fake plant or two? I feed pellets too (Hikari), & 2 about 3 times a day. I think that's fine :).Good luck with him; I'm sure he'll get used to you.What did you name him?
well im looking for a job, and it won't be til i get one that i can upgrade the tank to a gallon or three... but i named him Jauffree... odd name, but whenever i name things i just give em the first name that comes to mind... i also call him JB, his full name is Jauffree Blue... haha i thought this out
Listen to everyone about the Tank I have a one gallon No filter (My betta has been a lot happier with out a filter) and One gallon is perfect for the college dorm room XP! (Not knowing how old you are though) I feed my fish flakes just because he eats them and I a worried if I give him anything else he'll get to picky on me. Your fish will get used to you. It wasn't untill this weekend that my betta started blowing bubble nest and coming to hte point of the tank when I come in the room. And I've only had him for a week. It seems most bettas get attached to their owners a lot sooner then mine did.Congrats on your betta! you should post Pictures of him!
i just added some pictures in my signature
OH one more question... since you all know your shtuffs... i am often one to go to sleep with the tv on... is the flashing light a problem... should i like do something to block out the flashing lights? :unsure:
I wouldn't exactly advise feeding every other day, maybe six days a week, and have one day in particular where you don't feed him, you can make it your busiest day. As for Television, as long as it's not on all night long, he should be OK. You may want to keep him away from the light.
you might want to get something to put in your tank like a small rock sculpture, because when I was talking to other here about fish blaring if you try and make him blare they need something to hid behind. Like even when I don't have a mirror up to my tank to make him blare he's always hanging around buhda.

And also you new betta is soo Pretty and Nice name. And I am not sure what to tel you about the TV question.
the tv should not be a problem, really. i've fallen asleep plenty of times with the tv on and it does not seem to have any effect on the fish.
I wouldn't exactly advise feeding every other day, maybe six days a week, and have one day in particular where you don't feed him, you can make it your busiest day. As for Television, as long as it's not on all night long, he should be OK. You may want to keep him away from the light.

hmm... well the days that i would feed him, how many times (each time = 3 pellets)... so far ive been feeding him twice a day since i got him, 3 pellets at a time... in the morning and at night, and every so often (like every other day) i give him a bloodworm or two...
frequent small feedings are actually best, but it doesn't really matter that much. your regiment is fine.

ok sweet... thanks you guys... and i have an interview tomorrow, if i get the job i can upgrade the tank soon... i want a five gallon panoramic tank... oh and when i do get a bigger tank, can anyone name any other pretty freshwater fish that are somewhat low maintance that would get along with a betta?
He's a very pretty boy, and welocom to betta keeping lol.

Bettas are generally better off on there own, some are ok mixed with other fish but then others are not. If you had to you could get shrips and snails to go with him.

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