Could I keep them together?


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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If Jackie(Molly), Diego(Male betta), Yasmin(female betta), and Madonna(female betta) got along would it be ok If they lived together?
id say no

males tend to be aggressive towards the females and females do better if they are in groups of four or more. i am not sure about the molly, but dont they have longer fins(kinda like platies) they may be mistaked for another betta and the male may go after it!
But Diego isnt aggressive to anything that looks ike himself or another male betta. Diego isnt interested in female bettas anyway. So if I got a few more girls do you think they would be ok together?
That isn't our call, you know your fish, not us.

I've heard of males and females living peacefully together, and even males and males, but it is VERY rare, and who knows when it can change? You could wake up one day and all the fish are dead except for a lonely male (or female!) betta. Is it worth the risk, going against the general experience with situations like this? Are you willing to risk your babies like that?

Also if you have two females together, it is inevitable that one kills the other or seriously harms it. Get two more :thumbs:
I dont want them to die. I just was wondering. I think I'll just put them all in there exept for Diego.
I'd say don't put the male in, get a few more females. It is possible for the mollie to get along, but keep an eye on things. But I would say an absolute no to the male. Even if he seems non-agressive chances are he will soon turn on them.
I think I'll put the molly and the female bettas in a ten gallon. But I'll also put in 2 more female bettas, 1 more female molly, and 2 otos. Would that be ok?
Yeah that should be ok. Some people would probably say it's pushing the stocking limit. If it is it's close, My females aren't very messy, so I'd say you'd be ok with adding another mollie and a couple more girls. Make sure you get a female mollie b/c if not you will have TONS of fry.
Jackie is to young to be pregnant right now and I will try to get another young molly.
But eventually she will be. So you might as well get another female. You can't just keep a male and female together anyways as he will chase her to death.
That's what I was saying. In my first post I said make sure to get another female. When you said get another young mollie, I didn't know if you meant female or not. I guess once I look farther into the comment I understand. You meant you'll get another youngin to make sure she's not old enough to be pregnant too. :thumbs: I'm soooo blonde.

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