Could i add kuhli loaches to my aquarium?

swordtails are robust - the softwater isn't great for them - but i had a group live in softwater for 5 years. kuli and neon tetra are not very robust and hardwater will definitely have a noticeable impact on longevity.
Kuhli loaches should be fine in your setup (though I agree that more neons is a priority). Colin's right that you won't see them all that often, but when you do they are a very entertaining fish. Get a group of at least six and you'll see them more.
Sorry if I hijack this thread a bit, but I thought I asked if I could do kuhli loaches with sterbai corydoras in my 40b and it was said that I couldn’t...
So then it IS ok to keep them together?
Sorry if I hijack this thread a bit, but I thought I asked if I could do kuhli loaches with sterbai corydoras in my 40b and it was said that I couldn’t...
So then it IS ok to keep them together?
I've never kept them together, but I don't see why not if you have sufficient space. Their needs are fairly similar.
I've never kept them together, but I don't see why not if you have sufficient space. Their needs are fairly similar.
Hmm... Interesting.
I was told by a very reputable member that they shouldn't be kept together really... I forget the reason, but yah...
Hmm... Interesting.
I was told by a very reputable member that they shouldn't be kept together really... I forget the reason, but yah...
Could you link to the post? I'm not going to say they're wrong, as it's entirely possible there is some variable involved that I haven't considered. Since I mostly do biotope tanks, I probably will never keep these species together, but you have me curious now. Plus, I don't want to give bad advice!
Byron comment was a general comment really meant towards boita and not pangio - but even then it is a generic comment and the actual rules depend on specific speices. Some boita are quite aggressive; others will get along just fine with cory being both shy and not territorial.
There are combinations of fish that should never be considered, regardles of the reasoning. Loaches (all loaches) and Corydoras is one of these. The botine loaches are more of an issue because of their strong territorial sense, something the cories do not have, and the cories will always be the loser when it coms to food, territory, etc.

Given the five cories here, it would be better to up their number with another five, which will definitely make them happy. Providing what a fish species requires is of supreme importance, and must override any desire for "x" fish. This aquarium is only 23g,
Ah, OK. I can see the issue with botia, sand loaches, and other aggressive, territorial, or boisterous species. Even tiny dwarf chain loaches would probably really stress out the cories. Pangio loaches are so shy that I can't imagine it being an issue. But in a tank this size, I have to agree that adding more cories is a better idea.

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