Could he possibly be........ blind??


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Had to go to PetSmart tonight to pick up some Maracide for Harvey....
of course had to check out the betta boys.
There was one who, when I looked in at him looked a tad bit odd, although his body was in good shape - but he was doing something a tad bit odd. He was resting on the bottom, but using his ventrals for arms - like he had them down on the bottom of the cup in an upside down V and was propping himself up on them. Taht seemed a little bit odd - i've not seen any bettas do that before, but he looked relatively healthy so I checked everyone else over. Found a pretty sick one, delivered him to the fishy cart and went to pick out my meds. I got them and was ready to go when I decided I needed to go back over and look at that fish again because SOMETHING just wasn't right about him.

Then I realized what it was - the middles of his eyes are flesh colored - almost white. Like if you look into one of them, you can see right through to the other side. Well, of course you CAN'T see thru, but that's what it looks sort of like... Sort of like when a dog or other animal is blind in one eye - and the middle part is really light colored. His are BOTH like this. We did some tests to see if he backed up when we put a finger in front of his face, we waved our hands, no reaction. We gently moved his cup and he came up from the bottom when we did that, and he went up to the top for air, but he stopped short and tried to take a breath too early, then continued on up to the top and got the breath, then went back down. IT was almost like he couldn't see the top of the water to know how far to go.

Is it possible that he could just be blind??? :/
I would say it is certainly possible, though was the opaque portion solid, or did it look cloudy/foggy like a cataract? When its foggy looking, its usually a bacterial infection. But when the actual pupil looks white, blindness could very well be the issue.
Not a bit of cloudiness whatsoever. It was solid skin color, sort of a peach.
:hyper: I'm getting pricklies on the back of my neck.
I have a funny funny feeling that I might have to go get him tomorrow!
I have one tank freed up from Harvey!!

How in the world would you feed a blind betta???
What would you have to do special for one of them?
How is it that i keep finding bettas with supreme oddities??
Maybe they're finding me...............
its fate, Bettamomma.

I have a blind percula clown. Same thing with the eyes, totally clear like tiny mirrors. I have him in a 5 gal tank. I know salties are FORBIDDEN to be in a tank smaller than 30 gal, but since he couldnt see, a smaller tank was suitable. He mostly stays in one area anyway. There's no decoractions for him to bump into (Save for a live rock)

He feeds pretty well. Whenever he was at the top, I'd drop in a few pellets, then tap the water so he'd hear and feel the vibrations. I did that so often, he learned that's the signal its feeding time (like Pavlov's dog, conditioning).

You can try that, condition the betta to know when its feeding time (hey, my bettas know its feeding time when they see the pellets in my hand!)

EDIT: Oh, make sure the water stays the same level at all times. Once I added extra water after cleaning, he misjudged the distance to the top and didnt get enough air. They learn the distance from the bottom to top and judge the gap that way.
I really don't have the time to take on one more betta BUT...
Since 2 of them are going into the 10G tank, that only leaves 1 tank here at home that will need full and frequent water changes besides Liza.
Still not sure what to do w/her yet.

I might just have to sterilize a tank here tonight....
Aww bless him :wub:

I seem to remember Yeevie having a blind female. I think she had her eyes taken out by a male during spawning or it could have been the other way around :S I think it went out with some of the Tsunami babies to someone on the forum.

Good luck with him if you decide to get him :)
BettaMomma, if you couldn't take him on right now, I could. I lost little Phoenix this morning, he was fishnapped during the night. I would love to have him if you think it would be possible to ship him to me without being too stressed. I'd be glad to pay for him and the shipping costs. I work for a company that makes products for the blind and visually impaired and he would be very much loved here. Any "special needs" he would have would be taken care of by experts in taking care of the blind. And we could possibly learn from him, who knows? Just a thought, and if you decide you do want him, that's great. My heart just went out to him immediately. I've been waiting for that "special betta" for my office and this just leaped out at me.
:hyper: eudie - What an excellent little mascot that would be for your office!!
Where do you live?
I'm TERRIFIED to ship him but if you don't live a bazillion miles away, we could maybe work something out....

I thought about him all night long.
I even have an extra tank, hood and heater here.
I'm afraid, though, if I brought him home I would get attached to him REALLY fast.

And I'm sorry to hear that Phoenix didn't make it.
At least he had some attention and love in his last few days.
Was he gone when you came in this morning?
Phoenix was fishnapped, he didn't pass. Her boyfriend (who also works here )came in during the evening and took him home. :( I was already getting attached.

I live in Southern Indiana, closest big city is Louisville, Ky. It's a pretty furrrrr piece from Wisconsin. That was why I thought about shipping.
Oh, yeah - I went over and read your other post and then I realized that he had been taken back by the woman, and hadn't died. WHEW!

Silly me!

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