I have a subject I would like to post about, but need clarification that it is ok to do so first. As I cannot send pm's could a mod please e-mail me so I can discuss the post I would like to submit.
Many thanks
'Hi Star..... your E-Mail address is set as private on your profile so I'm not able to send you any message..... I am at: ludwigventer "at" live.co.za if you wanna drop me a mail..... then I can just reply to your e-mail.
While a lot of us keep our e-mails private to prevent spammers and the like. The admins have a "click here to email me" link in their profiles. You can type messages right into there that go right to them. See http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/user/2323-tolak/ on the right hand side.
Ludwig, I modified your message a little. Replacing the @ sign with "at". There are computers that do nothing but search websites for groups of characters in the format "[email protected]" and the add those to lists of email addresses to spam. So, I thought I'd help at least a little to prevent getting more spam emails.