Corys With A Betta


Sep 3, 2006
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Ayrshire, Scotland
I have a Betta in a 10 gallon (US) along with 3 Trilineatus Corys, they get along quite happily. Since I've been reading that corys prefer larger groups I'm wondering if it would be ok to replace the Tri's with maybe 6 pygmys ?

I can move the Tri's to the community tank and bring the number of corys in there up to 7 which should cheer them up too ? (there are 4 at present but they seem happy enough.)

And to that note, Anyone had experience buying mail order corys ? Do they travel well in the UK at this time of year ?
If it were me, I would give the Betta his own smaller tank and increase the tris in the 10 usg. 5 should be fine in a 10 usg. You could probably add 2 more after awhile. The pygmys could be at risk with a Betta. I never fully trust a Betta. They can change as they mature. They would only be able to annoy the tris, but they could seriously hurt a pygmy. If you want the pygmies badly, give the 10 to them.

Of course these are hotly debated subjects regarding Bettas. It's just I've seen various Bettas do fine with various communities for long periods. In every instance it ended badly. But in the cory tanks, the cory behavior always has changed when the Betta was removed. Just my opinions and experience.
Fair enough, I'm not looking to get any fish hurt :) I'll leave it as it stands for now, if the betta causes problems the corys will be relocated to the 4ft tank.
I spend hours watching them and truly have seen no sign of aggression from the betta. Corys are corys, they don't care who's in the tank, lol.
Hi Glod :)

Keeping a betta in a cory tank can work out very well indeed. If the betta has a mild disposition, the corys will give him something to watch which will keep him alert and interesting. I've had betta that would eat off the bottom, go into the cory's cave with them, and in general act more like a cory than a betta. It was a great combination.

On the down side, corys need well oxygenated water and bettas do not. This means having enough water movement at the surface to accommodate the needs of the corys, but not so much agitation that it tires out the betta.

It's not impossible to do this, but it is tricky and must be monitored often. Tall plants, or plants floating on the surface can help somewhat. While nothing might happen to the betta immediately, if he is constantly fighting a current, he will go into a slow decline and eventually die. I suspect some bettas might be inherently stronger than others and so more suited to sharing a tank with cory tankmates.
Yes, Inchworm, as you know, I have kept Betta in cory tanks. One who was very mild and never gave the cories trouble, died way too young. Two others, who started by sleeping and eating with the cories, turned after they matured a bit more and started entertaining themselves by chasing and harrassing the cories (the brochis splendens in one instance.) Then they all died young. :sad:

So I don't do it anymore.
Thanks for the responses guys, as I said I've decided not to go for pygmeus at the moment. Since I have that tank coming from the PFK subscription it's possible Rocket will be getting rehomed in a 5.5 gallon and the 10 gallon may become a pygmaeus tank, time will tell.

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