Corys Are Worshipping A Rock....


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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Weird but true. They seem to be worshipping a rock.

Here's a pic of them doing it too.

They;ve been gathering around the same rock all day. Like some kind of mothers meeting. When I looked this morning at least 6 of our 10 corys were all facing the same way all gathered around the rock.

Are they praying to a cory god? Or plotting escape? Who knows
might be worshipping the fish god
i see you have gravel, how are the cories bearing up on that, not being rude, but cories like sand more in my opinion.
Yeah. We have sand in our other tanks. These guys are getting sand when we move house but at the mo we can't switch it. They seem fine with it currently. All are well fed. A little too well sometimes. All have very long sexy barbels. Except our one albino Bunny, who lost one after an accident. But we like sand better for them, so they get sand in June. Not long to wait.
I have gravel in my tank with panda corys had them over 2 years, as long as the gravel has no sharpe edges it's fine.
lol cool pic and video :) Mine seem to practice "ninja skills" and think they can hide behind a rock shorter then them, or a single branched plant :p

Cory are fine on gravel with no sharp bits. Thats what I use to keep all of them on for ages before I found a place to get cheap sand.
whats hemispherical? :S

They won't seem to leave it alone now. Poor old Steve the betta keeps going down there to see whats so special, gets bored then tries to get the corys not around the rock to hang out with him. Poor old boy, he's lost all his mates to a lump of stone!
Nice pic, I've had cories with rounded gravel, but they seem to prefer sand.
LOL! Thats a great one! The last pic looks like a standoff in a Western or something! XD
LOL! Thats a great one! The last pic looks like a standoff in a Western or something! XD

-eg- I about died laughing when I walked in and saw them, had to go right back out and get the camera!

My mate says "well, its like all parents to be, you always go by the hospital nursery and look at all the other babies and go all mushy" :p

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