Corydoras Species

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Oct 16, 2013
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My LFS stock salt and pepper Cory's, Pygmy Cory's and panda Cory's and I was wondering what size they grow too and what ones have the most character from Tom
The pygmy cories are less 'cories' than the others.  They are much more mid-level swimmers than exclusively bottom dwellers.  But they require the same basic things that all other cories require.
The salt and peppers are slightly larger, and spend more time on the bottom.  Being so small they can be a bit more 'reclusive' than the larger species.
The pandas are my personal favorite, they are not a classic 'dwarf' species, like the first two, but are the smallest of the 'regular' cories.  They like caves to hang out in and natural plants to spawn on - mine have spawned quite regularly, but only ever put the eggs on the glass once that I've ever seen, the rest of the spawnings (as far as I know) are on the underside of leaves on broad leafed plants.  They too can be rather skittish at times, given their diminutive size.
All do best in LARGE numbers.  The minimum I see is generally 6, but 9+ would be far better.
The big questions are: What size is the tank?  What are the parameters?  And who are the potential tank mates?

I'd add, IMHO, the pandas display the most 'cory-like' behavior, followed by the salt and pepper and lastly the pygmy.
Not sure what tank it will go in but it will be either a 110 litre with
6 platy
2 guppy
6 five banded barbs
4 black phantom tetra
3 black neons
1 mountain minnow (I know it's cold water)
3 honey gourami
2 apistogramma cacatuoides
1 Pleco

Or a 70 litre with
2 kribensis male and female pair
7 rummy nose tetra

Parameters are
Nitrite 0
Nitrate (usually 0 but changed all the gravel today so at the minute it's up at 20 but will be bringing it down over next few days)
General hardness 12d
Carbonate 6d
Ph 7.4
Chlorine 0
Ammonia 0
Thanks for the suggestion how big does sterbia grow and I really like the panda and the salt and pepper. how many do you think i could have in my tank or could i have one set in both tanks or would they be overstocked and also if they can only fit in one tank could i do 3 of each in one tank from tom
I would not mix cories with Kribs.
And honestly, the 110 is more than full... no room in the inn, so to say.
is there no where that they can go as i really want corys and that was one of the reasons i changed from gravel to sand from tom
Looks like there are 2 ways you can get cories, re-home some of your fish from either tank or get a new tank just for the cories.
Sorry, but for now, looks like both tanks are pretty fully stocked. 
How many fish from the 110 litre tank would i need to re-home in order to get some cory's from tom 

Or could i move some fish from the 110 litre to the 70 litre to make room in the 110 litre for corys from tom

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