It may be difficult to get healthier specimens if the supplier is shared by all of your lfs, but if you can get better stock this may be wise for cories.Anyways, what can I change now to avoid this in the future?
I purchased 15 in October last year, and I have only 10 of them now. Sure, the food is a problem
I will change the diet first and what, wait two three months to see any changes, like them growing up and being fuller?
Or do I also change the sand for a more suitable one, in case this is the issue, as I understand PFS is not good for them at all.
Today or tomorrow I will clean the filter anyways and do another water change. Apart of losing this corydoras, I also lost almost all of the otocinclus. Granted I only have had them for 3,5 months, but out of 10 I had I now only have 3?! I assume the spirulina tablet is also not good, but damn they eat everything I put in there, I have blanched vegetables, greens, soaked leaves with slime coat
What has happened, could it be the source of the fish, maybe they were older (I lost trust in the seller, who knows where and how he got them)? I have so much algae and I assumed all was going well, they had round bellies and were real good. I wonder if I should get another batch from different seller and try again, or if I should just give up.
I read all about repashy and home made otocinclus foods and spirulinas and I ordered also better spirulina wafers. But I am so sad now
My personal opinion for the otos would be don't keep buying them. This is what I have decided to do. They often don't do well in our tanks and as they are wild caught we could deplete wild populations in just a few short years.