Corydoras Paleatus Fry


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
yorkshire hull
thought id put some of my new 2 week old pepperd fry on

heres one eating a blood worm




ill put some of my 3 month old bronze which i keept in a few days

Nice pics. Congrats.

I have peppered corys but haven't successfully bred them. I think its because i have too many fry eaters.

Well done. :good:

backtotropical thxs :good:
iv got separate tanks for my corydoras wich makes it easyer to breed them
i got a group of 6 about 3 months ago and they have only started laying eggs over the last 3 weeks and im geting eggs off them every 3 days or so now
iv got about 100 fry in my growing on tank just took a couple out to take a few pics
Hi drewry :)

Thanks for posting your nice pictures. It's always good to watch little fish eating and doing well. I'll be looking forward to seeing pictures of the older ones too. :)
thxs jollysue :good:

heres a few pics of a few of my bronze i breed 3 months ago now
at just over an inch long

You have a new breeding group as they will be breeding soon. :rolleyes:

Very nice. I see you have worked out the kinks.

My bronze long fins are now raising a stray fry with their spawns without any assistance. They need a new trank! I love my long fin bronze. They are among my most sociable Corys. They have the cutest faces--especially the rolly polly ladies. The only issue I have with the bronze is that they seem more prone than other Cory species to pick up a fungus.

I am also very fond of my pepper colonies. While I have the albinos and long fins, I think I am especially fond of the common old lps peppers. I love watching them in the community tank. They are also very hardy. I am now struck with fondness for the ones sold as longipinnus. The fins are not very long, but they are cute as buttons and the juvie lady is leading all the fellows of various species on a merry chase.
hi jollysue

i wont be breeding the bronze again but if any survive natualy in the tank then thats fine as with the pairents iv got 13 now :rolleyes:
and ill keep 10 of the peppered wrigles for myself .
i have a spair tank thats empty so im thinking of getting a group of 6 adolfi in the next 2 weeks never keep any of these so iv allot of reading up 2 do before i get some .
so they will be my next challange to spawn :good:
love the pics, nice one

what behaviour do you see from the corys when they are ready to spawn?
Fantastic, i'd love my corys to breed.

Is it possible for different cory species to breed?
I've got some Schartzi's and what maybe Melini's.

love the pics, nice one

what behaviour do you see from the corys when they are ready to spawn?

hi st24rsap

i condition them for a week or 2 on frozen blood worms ,daphnia .black fly larva,brine shrimp .pellits and flake to get them in top shape.
then i do a 15% water change adding cold water which some times instantly makes them spawn they start darting allover the tank and up and down the glass males chacing the females :good:
Fantastic, i'd love my corys to breed.

Is it possible for different cory species to breed?
I've got some Schartzi's and what maybe Melini's.


hi cbr6fs

im not sure i think iv read some were on here they can.
but dont know what speices there are and if it is a good idea to do so.
some one with more exspariance will be able to answer that question :good:

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