Corydoras Longpinnis

My theory would take far to long to write here and besides I would not want it joining another site where a lot of my work is already published illegally.

Forgive a silly question, Ian, but is there a legal place where we can check out your writings? Now you have me curious. I will look into the book you mentioned.


Most of my writings have been published in Practical Fishkeeping & Today's Fishkeeper, the latter publication is not no more. Plus a couple of pieces have been published in the US.

Most of my current stuff is in the members area on my own site Corydorasworld, until late last year it was all in the public domain area, that was before a well known importer stole them for his own site. Now they are only accessible along with a lot more stuff in the member area, which carries an annual fee of £15.00 ($30.55).

I am half expecting this post to be deleted because I have promoted my own site, but what the hell there's enough promotion of a certain person and his sales here without any retribution from the mods. Any way that's where all the serious Cory stuff is.

I am half expecting this post to be deleted because I have promoted my own site, but what the hell there's enough promotion of a certain person and his sales here without any retribution from the mods. Any way that's where all the serious Cory stuff is.


You know, the planted tank section is pretty lenient. We often link to the Barr report and APC, and UKPAS, because that's where the information is, and George Farmer mentions PFK a lot, so I think depepending on the amount of information available in our fields at TFF, mods are either more strict or more lenient. I also think it is a specific link to a rival forum that is frowned upon, but informational websites are ok. APC has a forum, but it has one of the best plant indexes around, so as long as the plant index is the link, I think things are koscher. Get my meaning. I'm not a mod, though, so what do I know?

We also clearly post links to Aquabid and PlanetCatfish. But they don't charge a fee to read their material. :lol:

I suppose you are talking about the promotion of Frank's auctions and fish?

Oh I am bad and going to get myself in trouble. I have sold my soul to Satan! :devil:

I wonder why is it necessary to start a fight on this new member's thread? We are all interested in the matter of spawning Corys. And your comments on that are very valuable to those discusions, Ian. I wish everyone with information felt welcome.

Inchworm would like to moderate a forum encouraging fun and education. That is what drew most of us to this board and Inchy's forum. But sometimes it is like walking a minefield. I think all the personal animosities and soap boxes should be left at home so we can enjoy one another and one another's fish and learn the facts about them.
We also clearly post links to Aquabid and PlanetCatfish. But they don't charge a fee to read their material. laugh.
OK, let me explain something to you, which i am sure I have done before. I wanted to give to all that wanted it the knowledge that I have gained keeping and breeding Corydoradinae Catfishes and when I built the new site I did not want to hold anything back. I had also just (2 months before) published my Cory ID book so to give all the knowledge I have put into the book, for free on the web site would be total financial suicide. This is the same although not quite so up to date with the Breeding Corydoradinae book. Now considering that the cost of membership to the site is half that of either book I think that I am being more than fair. Oh! and don't forget to take the taxes (Income tax & VAT) (39.5%) + Pap Pals 3.5% or 4.5% depending what country the member resides in. All this leaves me a massive £8.25 GB pounds ($16.80). And I nearly forgot the cost of running the site, the time involved maintaining it, the photo equipment. And for the record the fee is to become a member and take an active part, reading the information contained there is not compulsory

I suppose you are talking about the promotion of Frank's auctions and fish?
No I am not actually and I think you already know that, I was referring to the perpetual Bryan (Corysrus) praises, is he the only Cory importer in the US, I think not, but he is on here.

Oh I am bad and going to get myself in trouble. I have sold my soul to Satan! devil.
That's for you to decide.

I wonder why is it necessary to start a fight on this new member's thread? We are all interested in the matter of spawning Corys. And your comments on that are very valuable to those discusions, Ian. I wish everyone with information felt welcome
I did not start any fight, I was asked a question and I explained where the knowledge that I have gained and published could be found. And stated the facts surrounding some. You think that the sun shines from a guy that I think is a schmuck, I stated a true fact about the theft of my material, you stated an opinion based on his sales pitch.

Inchworm would like to moderate a forum encouraging fun and education. That is what drew most of us to this board and Inchy's forum. But sometimes it is like walking a minefield. I think all the personal animosities and soap boxes should be left at home so we can enjoy one another and one another's fish and learn the facts about them.
Inchworm is a delightful lady I had the pleasure to meet in person at the last US Catfish convention in Maryland, and you are right she does not need to be finding herself in the middle of these situations. Having said that why can you be allowed to constantly praise one particular salesman and I am chastised by you for stating a true fact, not hearsay a true fact, which I may add I confided in you about at the time and as I recall you defended him on that occasion as well.

Talking of soap boxes there's a lot coming from yours, and what gives you the right to jump all over me. You assumed my comment "that was before a well known importer stole them for his own site" was aimed at a particular person, I never mentioned any name just that my material has been stolen, Fact.

My apologies to daspricey who started this topic, but I only answered the question from lljdma06, with a reason why my articles are in the subscribed members area of my site. I hope you acquire some real C. longipinnis and have any C. paleatus avoid putting them in the same tank, because you may not be able to separate the female as they are almost if not Identical to each other.

I come on this forum to willingly part with the knowledge I have gained over many many years of specialising in Corys, having successfully bred almost one hundred species, 96 to be precise. I am not a young man by any means and it is my sole intention to leave ALL the knowledge I have gained behind when it's my turn to leave the planet.

If I am judged as being the perpetrator of animosity, because I have reacted when challenged about a true fact that I have stated, by someone that has a holier than thou attitude and the fact that the statement made had nothing at all to do with them at all, then I shall no longer take any active part here.

Just to keep the record straight and before this thread is closed: I advised you to take your complaint to the mods when you PM'd me with your concerns. In retrospect I am sorry I recommended that.
Just to keep the record straight and before this thread is closed: I advised you to take your complaint to the mods when you PM's me with your concerns. In retrospect I am sorry I recommended that.

The problem is, on here the mods do their own thing and are not willing to take the lead and stick up in mods for certain members that other mods have a problem with and admin doesnt really care or is too scared to upset the apple cart.....

It will be a shame if Ian is banned from here or we dont get a proper reply, because he knows more about corys that all the catfish mods put together ;)

Its common knowledge that Bryan Epstein has blatently stolen material off Ians site and is a schmuck, so who can blame him and I have to say, it would be the best £15 you will spend :)

Some one was banned from Bryans site a while ago for asking if he had any of his own articles on his own forum or had he ripped them all off :good:

Please dont lock or delete this as it is true ;)
I don't feel I have done anything to deserve such a vitriolic response.

I post my fish and discuss them with those who are interested. Many of us are happy with the fish we get from Bryan. I do promote his fish, because I get nice fish from him and have spent $1000's on his fish over a period three years or so. He has always been a gentleman to me and never yelled at me. He has repeatedly done things to benefit me. He has never scammed me or lied to me.

I often am walking around trying to avoid stepping in the mine fields on the forum over some personal matter that does not concern me or my fish. This is not the platform for these things. I am afraid to post pics of some of my fish, because someone will come to ridicule it and me--and not just fish from Bryan. Fish from other very respected breeders in the States.

I have not in any way that I can remember engaged in the argument between Bryan and Ian over the public domain, published material. I do not know what the laws in the States are concerning internet publishing. But if what happened was illegal here, I have no doubt that there would be a legal action.

I don't understand why people come over and yell at me when Ian gets upset with me because I don't always agree with him or he thinks I have been ignorant to his lectures.

It is very upsetting to be yelled at all the time.
I don't feel I have done anything to deserve such a vitriolic response.

I post my fish and discuss them with those who are interested. Many of us are happy with the fish we get from Bryan. I do promote his fish, because I get nice fish from him and have spent $1000's on his fish over a period three years or so. He has always been a gentleman to me and never yelled at me. He has repeatedly done things to benefit me. He has never scammed me or lied to me.

I often am walking around trying to avoid stepping in the mine fields on the forum over some personal matter that does not concern me or my fish. This is not the platform for these things. I am afraid to post pics of some of my fish, because someone will come to ridicule it and me--and not just fish from Bryan. Fish from other very respected breeders in the States.

I have not in any way that I can remember engaged in the argument between Bryan and Ian over the public domain, published material. I do not know what the laws in the States are concerning internet publishing. But if what happened was illegal here, I have no doubt that there would be a legal action.

I don't understand why people come over and yell at me when Ian gets upset with me because I don't always agree with him or he thinks I have been ignorant to his lectures.

It is very upsetting to be yelled at all the time.

I am firstly not yelling at you, I merely stated a fact to a member regarding where some of my work could be found and a short explanation why most of my stuff is locked in the private area of my site, I did not even mention Bryan, you did.

Regarding ridicule, I have never ridiculed you for buying any fish, that's your choice and that I respect. I said that I personally did not like certain artificially developed species and would never keep them. I termed them as "Man made" which you took offense at and debated in depth. I really don't have any problem with you showing pictures of the fish you love, whether or not I like the fish or not is surely my own personal thing and I would beg to be allowed that view.

The legal situation with copyright is I have to sue, there is not overlord or watchdog organization I can turn to for help to have material removed from an offending site or publication. I am not interested in suing for profit as seems to be the nor in the US. However to get my material removed I have to incur a lot of expense, especially dealing internationally, which I do not have so the situation is at stale-mate for the moment. But, if I ever have the opportunity to visit Florida I will certainly take action through a local law office.

Actually I am very happy that you have had many good deals from Bryan, you are certainly in the minority.

My prime interest is in breeding and perpetuating as many of the rare and endangered species as I can and I can honestly say that I have probably given away more Corys than Bryan has sold. He is a business man and "only interested in the money", and that is a statement that came from his own mouth. He does not and as far as I know never bred a Cory in his life.

Jollysue I wish you well with all your fishes and hope that you will leave me to my views, I will continue to state facts as and when asked for and do not expect to be dragged over the coals for telling the truth when it directly involves me.

Ok, whoa, people. Let's get this thread back on topic before it is closed and I apologize for being off-topic in the first place with my question to Coryman about the availabilty of his written material. As an academic, it is a habit of mine to obtain new sources and his answer for me was in the next post. That was all the information I wanted, and it really didn't need to develop into what has now taken place. Let's leave it at that. :good:

I'm not a mod, but I think everyone can agree that we need to be extremely careful. If you have concerns, please PM. In retrospect, I should have PM'd Coryman with my question, but I thought the question was a harmless one, as I do not frequent the Corydora section, and I'm not as savy about distributors and web information on this fish group.

We are all happy corydora people! :good:

I have looked at this thread, and don't see anything that warrants attention. I will however, say if anyone is curious that sp00ky's web address has been removed it was due to persistent abuse of the rules of the rules. We try and be leniant which sometimes makes for the appearance of mod's doing their own thing- because we do have slightly different standards, as per Tomasz's post. I think the main problem that we have here is that we are understaffed with moderators, and that is something I have to look to rectify, but it can be tricky to choose suitable people.
I have looked at this thread, and don't see anything that warrants attention. I will however, say if anyone is curious that sp00ky's web address has been removed it was due to persistent abuse of the rules of the rules. We try and be leniant which sometimes makes for the appearance of mod's doing their own thing- because we do have slightly different standards, as per Tomasz's post. I think the main problem that we have here is that we are understaffed with moderators, and that is something I have to look to rectify, but it can be tricky to choose suitable people.
I appreciate that Lee had broken the rules on the forum, however it seems strange that his website address has suddenly been blocked in posts over the past couple of weeks, however is still allowed to be displayed when Bryan was banned for the same sort of breaches of the rules.

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