Corydoras Incolicana


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2005
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Does anyone know how large do they get? (the information on the web is conflicting).
Is there anything special to know about them?

(I'm trying to resist getting another cory species....but these chaps looked quite attractive...temptations....)

Does anyone know how large do they get? (the information on the web is conflicting).
Is there anything special to know about them?

(I'm trying to resist getting another cory species....but these chaps looked quite attractive...temptations....)


Who or what is 'they'? It depends on what 'they' is.
I think they get to be ~3 inches. If you have the room, why not? After all, it's likely that you may never see these guys again.
I think they get to be ~3 inches. If you have the room, why not? After all, it's likely that you may never see these guys again.
If you are talking about an auction that is currently running, those fish are misidentified. - F.

No, I'm talking about the fish I saw at a lfs yesterday. This particular place occasionally gets very unusual fish.
I'm not into cories seriously, so they may be misidentified, but to me they match the photos well enough.

Are they less common indeed and/or interesting in some way?

Hmm... any idea which species I would need to check against to ensure they are what they are?

PS. I checked AB and assume you are talking about this auction? The vendor is seriously into mislabeling, I've seen them misidentifying danios and loaches several times.....

The ones I saw had the orange band on the head, like on this photo, the AB don't.
No, I'm talking about the fish I saw at a lfs yesterday. This particular place occasionally gets very unusual fish.
I'm not into cories seriously, so they may be misidentified, but to me they match the photos well enough.
Are they less common indeed and/or interesting in some way?
A bit less common, which is always nice.
Hmm... any idea which species I would need to check against to ensure they are what they are?
There are many species that resemble this fish. A trained eye is helpful.
PS. I checked AB and assume you are talking about this auction? The vendor is seriously into mislabeling, I've seen them misidentifying danios and loaches several times.....
And when you correct him, he ignores you. lol.
The ones I saw had the orange band on the head, like on this photo, the AB don't.
Looks like the fish. Be sure to post some pics, should you acquire them. Good luck. - Frank

And when you correct him, he ignores you. lol.

He actually replied when I asked how come what he listed as "Rare Danio Kyathit" has vertical stripes instead of the usual horizontal (and looks like Inlecyprus). The reply was It is a difference of opinions.... so I'm avoiding the guy.

If I can make it to the store (not too close) I'll at least take the photos. FYI: C.Incolana appears on the import lists (Brazil) this week, and is not expensive. Of course, I don't know what it really is.
This is the fish in question:

I'm pretty certain that there was an orange band the first time, maybe the light is different? there are 5, one of them seems to have slightly different markings...more dotty.

Are they C.incolicana?

This is the fish in question: Are they C.incolicana? TIA. - Quote edited by Coryologist.
Good Day. It appears as if you have 3 different fish in this group, none of which are C. incolicana. The fish dead center appears to be C. delphax, the fish to the right of it I would say is C. kanei and the remaining 3 are C. sp. C141.. - Frank
Thank you very much Frank. Glad I asked you....getting a different species would have been ok, getting a mix makes no sense....

I hope you don't mind me PM'ing you one more photo: there is yet another source saying they have C.Incolicana but I cannot post that pic.
Thank you very much Frank. Glad I asked you....getting a different species would have been ok, getting a mix makes no sense....

I hope you don't mind me PM'ing you one more photo: there is yet another source saying they have C.Incolicana but I cannot post that pic.
Not a problem. Always happy to try to help. - Frank
Thank you very much Frank. Glad I asked you....getting a different species would have been ok, getting a mix makes no sense....

I hope you don't mind me PM'ing you one more photo: there is yet another source saying they have C.Incolicana but I cannot post that pic.
Not a problem. Always happy to try to help. - Frank

Thank you very much, Frank!
This is the real C. incolicana,


C. incolicana

Image courtesy Ian Fuller &
Yes, the real one is beautiful ... maybe one day... thank you, Ian.

Ian, if you are reading this thread: do you have an opinion on what my cory fry is? TIA.

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