Tighten your seatbelts, Cory lovers. as the most recent research is in on Corys. If you have any scientific interest in them, check this video.
Latin is just English for fish purposes. Corydoras is as easy a word as doorknob or umbrella. Osteogaster is as clear to say as astonishing. It's all just words.
I have tried to get Aspidoras for years. I see the really expensive ones, but I can't ever get a group if the ones in my budget. They exist. They have beady eyes, but they are so hyper to watch.
They do look awesome!Just looked up Aspidoras pauciradiatus and they look awesome!
What's a pedant supposed to do now then? Osteogaster aeneus will always be called Bronze Corys, so how can I tell people they're not Corys?
Well, maybe we'll refrain from that one for Aspidoras... The way you've shortened it is an unfortunately rather derogatory term for those with Asperger's.Corydoras=Cory
They can all be cute!