Corydora Schooling


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
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I have a cory which I believe to be a reticulated cory. I only got one, and would like to now have a small group because I understand they like the company (and I love corys), but I can't find anymore of the the same cory at the petshops. Will different species school together, or should I wait until I find another reticulated.
no they won't, they need to be all the same species or they'll be lonely and won't do well. Get more if you can
Cool. Thanks. I will try to find more reticulateds for my loner unless anyone has anything else to say, thanks for the help
in the wild, a few species of corydoras will shoal together, providing a small group of their own species are present. i.e. a shoal of peppered will shoal with a small shoal of panda corydoras for example. a single corydoras is unlikely to shoal with a single corydoras of a different species...
My peppered cory's shoal with the depends on your fish. They do prefer to have another of there own species - but from what I've seen they're usually happy w/any other cory. If the lone cory isn't being active and isn't eating then I would be concerned...

Again depends on the fish :)

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