Hi tank212
OK, let's get started!
I'll explain how I raise my fry, but their are other ways to do it too. For example, some people like to move the eggs and leave the fish and tank as it is. I found that it's easier to move the fish and leave the eggs. If anything's important with corys and their fry, it's keeping the water clean and fresh to avoid bacterial infections and other complications. With a bare bottomed fry tank it's easier to clean it than one with sand or gravel. I also work with an uncycled fry tank and depend on the daily water changes to keep the water healthy for them.
To start with, I usually use a 10 gallon tank, set up with fine gravel such as this:
Since I will be taking it out once they spawn, I find it's easier to remove than the finer sand, and the corys do well with it. If you want to use sand, use well washed play sand, which you can find at Home Depot or a similar store.
If you want, add some plants or a cave for them, but don't go to a great deal of trouble. If you have any plants in pots, or java fern, or java moss, that's fine. If you want to put in a cave, they will probably like it too.
For filtration, I usually use either a small AquaClear that has bacteria laden filter floss in it, or go right to using a box filter with an air pump. You will need an air pump to run an airstone once the eggs have been laid, so you might as well set it up with a box filter. Later, when the fry have grown, you will use the box filter again for them. You do understand how you can clone a cycled tank using filter media from a bigger tank, right?

When it's ready, put the corys in and condition them for a week or two.
I like to keep the temperature around 74-75 degrees F. while I am conditioning the corys. To condition them I feed them as many live blackworms as they care to eat. Are you familiar with using them? If not, let me know and I'll tell you how to wash them so they are safe and last longer.
I would also like to know how I can get my hands on some fungal prevention medicine. I can't find any at our petsmart nor the local pet store.
Put nothing like this in the water before spawning.

The water should be clean with nothing but a basic dechlorinator added. Do not use any product like stress coat either. After the eggs have been laid and the parents removed, you might want to add methylene blue to the water, but it's not necessary.