cory shooting to the top and then back down

This is normal atleast IME it is. All of my cories race up to the top for a gulp of air I guess then just come back down.
Can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, how many fish and which type, got to rule water qulity out first.
Hi One_Trick_Pony

If all of your other fish are breathing normally, don't worry about it. It's perfectly normal for a cory to shoot up to the top for a breath of air.

They do not have labyrinths like bettas and gouramis, but they do have the ability to absorb a little air through their intestines. :D
I recently leanred that cories do that... I thought it was due to lack of oxygen in the water but i was wrong....

And in my short experience with them, they do it every now and then.

Nothing to worry about i guess! (Thanks snowy)
Its cool because my 55 is pretty high so they get goign fast and u can hear splashign when they jump halway out of the water. I ve heard u can grab some flakes and sometimes theyll eat out o fyur hand when they do that
I was told that they do this to aid digestion? My Porthole cats do it aswell and they are related to corys....

Makes sense to me :)

This family has the ability to take atmospheric oxygen from the surface which aides them in water with insufficient amounts of oxygen. Air is taken in through the mouth and passes along the intestine to the hind gut, where it absorbed into the blood stream.


Mine do this all the time, eventhough the other fish breeth fine.

I have 2 panda cory's and its like a race in the tank all the time. They are a blast to watch.

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