Cory looking ill?

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yes Im getting that one. I will buy another three soon then. Does it have to be peppered Corys? They are my favourite but if he doesn’t have any then would for example bronze or albino be good?
Oh, and it would be a good to move the sponge filter further out into the tank a little more, so the cories can move around it without getting trapped. Honestly, I doubt he was injured from getting stuck, it's more likely he was already hurt, then wedged himself back there because he was sickly and trying to hide. But, better safe than sorry.
yes Im getting that one. I will buy another three soon then. Does it have to be peppered Corys? They are my favourite but if he doesn’t have any then would for example bronze or albino be good?
It's better for them to be in groups of their own kind, ideally, but it can work to have three of each species, and they'll sometimes school together anyway. Just make sure whatever other cories you get would also work with your water hardness and temperature. I never asked what temp you keep your tank? Peppered actually prefer it to be cooler than many other species, as do panda cories.

We should probably also look at your water hardness... guppies are hard water fish, while most cories are softer water. It might be better to get a different cory species to bump up the school according to your water hardness, even if you also keep the three you have now in less than ideal water for them.
Yes i have now. sorry to keep bothering you just trying to make the fish the happy and healthiest.
You're not a bother, don't be sorry about trying to learn more about your fish and wanting to improve their lives! I'm going to tag @essjay and @NCaquatics in to help, since they are the best when it comes to finding out your water hardness and what species would be best, and NC is fantastic and very knowledgeable about cories.
If you look through my last posts my hardness is there sorry I can’t remember it. But im on spring water which is soft and low ph (6.5) but when it’s in summer or dry weather (very dry) we go in a boarhole which is around 7.2 ph I think. It’s a big change I know. Ive always been confused What to do. I know guppies need that hard water but they have always been good in my water. Better than any other fish. Any help bout what to do would be great. oh and my temperature is 24. The change if water as well doesn’t happen often probably 1 once at least a year. Three or four when we had the heatwave
If you look through my last posts my hardness is there sorry I can’t remember it.
It would be better if you go look for it yourself and post it here, people won't usually want to have to go hunting for information in order to be able to help you.
You are at the very lowest range for guppies.
8dGH is 143ppm

You can mix almost any cory species you want, with a few exceptions who need extremely soft water (like adolfoi).

I would suggest:
Paleatus (at least 2 more, if you want different)

Id steer away from sterbai as it does better with warmer temperatures.
thanks for the suggestions. I just want peppered Corys I think. im thinking of doing an Endler 10 gallon tank. Would pgmy Corys be good for that? Cheers

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