Cory looking ill?

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Thanks for all the help. What I can see is I need to do a water change I will do a big one straight away. here are my test results. i also took another pic of him.
Nitrates - 50/ 100 (hard to tell)
nitrogen dioxide -0
water hardness -8*d
KH - 6*d
ph 6.4
chlorine - 0
Good man. Get some salt in there too, the dose that deanasue mentioned:

Colin’s dosing for cories is too high. Do 1 teaspoon per every 5G. :)
(the cory looks like it might be a female to me)
Ok what about the guppy I tried swimming for a second and could move just not the best. I will give it time before I see but anything I should do apart from salt which I will do
Ok what about the guppy I tried swimming for a second and could move just not the best. I will give it time before I see but anything I should do apart from salt which I will do
Yeh that's obviously unfortunate. Could've been stressed from the poor water conditions. Just do what you can for now. Keep the water clean and add salt. Keep an eye on the cory and the guppy
Big water changes make a big difference often times. :)
Ye Im only a lad and normally getting ready for bed but no matter what I do always put my fish first. Removed all the water now about to add the salt and water. Should i put like a general cure in? It’s called disease solve its bassicly just to add when new fish or you don’t know the problem.
update - just done a bit of the water change and one of my guppy jumped out onto floor. Does this mean anything . I think it’s Stress but I’m not sure. not looking the best still swimming any tips. Stil finishing water change. hope this doesn’t portray me as a bad fish owner I do care for my fish a Lot.
Naw, especially if you had someone looking after your fish while away. Life happens and that sometimes comes with unintended consequence. You thought they were being taken care of as you would and they weren't. Couldn't attach blame to you for that. Anyway don't beat yourself up my friend. Do your best now and that's all you can do. Hope it works out.
update - just done a bit of the water change and one of my guppy jumped out onto floor. Does this mean anything . I think it’s Stress but I’m not sure. not looking the best still swimming any tips. Stil finishing water change. hope this doesn’t portray me as a bad fish owner I do care for my fish a Lot.
Ok what about the guppy I tried swimming for a second and could move just not the best. I will give it time before I see but anything I should do apart from salt which I will do
Thank you for doing the test and water change, your fish will be glad you did. How large a water change did you do? Given the levels and the fact you've been away and the tank was pretty dirty (I understand, it's tough when someone else is taking care of your tank), plus the potential injuries and perhaps ammonia and nitrites from while you were away, I would be doing daily 50-75% water changes, and following the salt treatment at the dosage @Deanasue recommended.

Guppies can jump well, but I've never seen mine jump - as far as I know, they tend to do it if water quality is poor, or to try to escape a predator, so it might be the water, or he might have been spooked. The salt treatment and large daily water changes is the best thing you can do for him.

No, please don't add meds. Fresh clean water daily and the salt treatment is the best medicine. Don't throw too much at them in the way of chemicals.
Oh, when you do the daily water changes, remember to re-dose the salt in the replacement water, just the amount that the replacement water needs, not the whole tank again. Eg: if you remove ten litres, replace ten litres and dissolve the salt in the 10 litres you're re-filling the tank with.

Salt is a brilliant treatment. It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic properties. That combined with fresh clean water is the best treatment for what your fish have been through :)
Salt and fresh water changes alone saved a guppy of mine that fell out of the tank when I took out the sponge filter and it tore her whole tail off. She started to develop fungus and I thought I might lose her, but she went from this;

to this;
DSCF0915 (1).JPG

And the salt killed off the fungus within a couple of days, and her tail showed regrowth within a week. So don't give up hope :)

a 50% water change might be enough, doing another dip test should tell you what your levels are now.
Ok will do that. sorry if I’m bothering all of you. I will test and update. once again I’m sorry if you just want to relax
Don't be sorry, the forum is here precisely for us to help each other you're not bothering anyone :) People wouldn't be on here if they didn't want to be, it's okay.

I hope your cory and guppy make a speedy recovery, you clearly care about them a lot and you're willing to do what they need, so they stand a good chance. :fish:
The nitrates have dropped a little but Are still high. It still says do a water change but my mum was like put the water it in and then see becuase it has to dilute is that Right ? Thanks agajn
I would do another 50-70% change again. I know it’s work but we’ve all been there. :)
so should I do put the water and salt in tank then do that again tomorrow

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