cory help!


New Member
Jul 30, 2005
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I recent got myself a few corys, they are good but the funny thing is that when I feed them blood worms I always see some of the corys got the worms stuck in their gill cover. But they eventally get it out and starts to munch on it again. There was this one time I had to take one of them out and manually remove the worm out. BTw, the bloodworms are defrosted.

The best food for corys are catfish pelets which you should be able to get at your lfs, although corys will attempt to eat bloodworms they aern't realy designed to eat them- having to manually remove bloodworms stuck in their gill covers is a very bad sign they are not coping with having to eat bloodoworms and i'd feed them somthing else like catfish pelets which are primarily designed for corys.
The other corys (about 1yr old now) that are in my 2ft planted seem to be eatten bloodworms very well, they also love munching on veggies, and also the cory waffers by hikari.

Now I feed the new corys algae waffers and also the cory waffers. They seem to love them very much.
Strange, none of my cories ever have problems eating bloodworms. What type and size are yours?
clunkster said:
you could try feeding frozen bloodworm :D

That wouldn't be a good idea feeding any fish frozen foods that are not thawed out properly, a fish's body temp is controlled by the temp of the water around it and feeding a tropical fish somthing frozen solid will make it sick.
sorry if you thought i ment put them in frozen i didnt dont know many fish that like ice pops :p ps not trying to offend just trying to help :(
Mine are Julii Corydoras and they are quite small (2cm). Also the bloodworm have been defrosted, very soft.
Mine were bigger when I got them but I do have a pair of albino aeneus who were around that size when I got them and that is rather small for cories to begin eating on bloodworms.

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