Cory Hatchling Food


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2008
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Hi all, any recommendations on what to feed hatchling corys?
I have previously been using Interpet Liquifry #1 (for egglayers), but it tends to make the water almost milky in the breeding box, and I get a lot of algea then growing on the sides and 'vents' of the box, which reduces the waterflow.
I'm not sure if there is something better out there, or if I just need to keep on with the regular cleaning of the breeding box.
By breeding box I mean this sort of thing, but I've removed all the internal grids and have an airstone bubbling away in there:

Thanks :)
I use Hikari first bites for the first couple of days then microworms & baby brine shrimp.
Newly hatched corys will get through the gaps in that breeder, I put tights around around mine it still allows water to flow through
Hi Schmill,
I use hikari First Bites for the first few days and then move on to baby brine shrimp, the babies got crazy for them!!
You could try putting some substrate (sand) in the bottom of the breeding box as the fry will also eat the muck from the bottom. As Lillefishy said the slits in the breeders box may be too wide and allow the fry to sneak out. You might wanna think about getting a mesh fry box. 
I use a breeders net and although it doesnt stay really clean I find I get better results when it does get a bit mucky! Just gotta make sure the water doesn't go stagnant or have to much CO2, you can reduce this by once or twice a day lowering the net/breeders box into the water a little just to disturb the water a little and allow 'new' water to enter.
Good luck with the fry!
Yep, Hikari First Bites and crushed flakes work very well! :D  (The later for when the get a bit bigger.)
Many thanks all. I had a look around at lunchtime and it seems none of my LFS do Hikari First Bites (or Hikari food at all it seems!) so I'll have to get online. Anyone got any recommendations of where to get them from or is it just a case of Googling searching the internet?
EDIT: Oh, and baby brine shrimp, is that live food, or something I can get packaged?
You can get the Hikari First bites on ebay for about £2.50, you can get bbs eggs & hatch them but I find it easier to just get frozen ask at your Lfs if they can get them
Many thanks, I've ordered some First Bites from ebay with first calss delivery, so hopefully get them before the weekend :)
Will let you know how I get on :)

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