Cory Eggs..............

The darker ones are fertile, the little black dot is either the fry or the fry's eye. If the white ones dont change colour soon then they are infertile.

Good luck :good:

ok thanks m8, shall i take the white ones out then if they dont turn greyish?
hi wayne

they should be hatching from any time now up till friday
but id say anytime to night maybe tomorrow afternoon as mine usally took 2 and half -3 days avarage
hi wayne

they should be hatching from any time now up till friday
but id say anytime to night maybe tomorrow afternoon as mine usally took 2 and half -3 days avarage

Thanks very much m8, just one last thing, what do i feed the fry?

Thanks m8.
hi wayne

u dont have to feed for the first 24 hours
then you can give them microw worms ,bbs wich are the best foods.
but iv raised mine on hikary first bites and liquifry no 1 for the first week then after that ,
king britsh catfish pellet which i crushed with a rolling pin to a powder with crushed flake hikary first bites all mixed together.
then after week 2 u can give them small frozen blood worms and dafnia as well as the mixed crushed food :good: :good:
hi wayne

u dont have to feed for the first 24 hours
then you can give them microw worms ,bbs wich are the best foods.
but iv raised mine on hikary first bites and liquifry no 1 for the first week then after that ,
king britsh catfish pellet which i crushed with a rolling pin to a powder with crushed flake hikary first bites all mixed together.
then after week 2 u can give them small frozen blood worms and dafnia as well as the mixed crushed food :good: :good:

Thats great, i have microworms and bbs so il use them, thanks m8 you been a big help :)
Little update, had a check on the eggs a few mins as i aint sleeping well and i was amazed to see that 3 of them have hatched :)

Look like a big egg with a tail swimming around lol, reminds me of a tadpole lol..

So cute, i will keep ya updated on them :)
another update lol, there is now 11 :)

Also underneath the leaves there was loads of eggs and they look fertile and hopefully they will hatch as well.

originally i thought there was about 20-30 eggs, but there is more like 30-40 lol..

il get some pics as soon the rest hatch :)
hi wayne

congrats m8 :good:
yeah they do look like little tadpoles :)
when they have all hatched its best to move them to a bigger container .
old rectangle ice cream tubs are ideal with an air stone about 2 inch down from the top so it doesnt chuck them about.
or you could move them into the bigger tub strait away as they hatch as i used to useing the pipets you get out your meds just widen the end abit useing a nail. suck them up with it iv found its sound for moveing them as there hatching and you can count them aswell when theres loads this way lol.
when you start feeding them do 2 water changes a day about 25% to start with working up to 50% with the same water temp takeing out any uneated foods and keep the sides and bottom clean as there prone to bactarial deasese stick to that routeen mate and you carnt go far wrong you may loose a couple on the way but most should survive
good luck with raiseing them wayne :good:
hi wayne

congrats m8 :good:
yeah they do look like little tadpoles :)
when they have all hatched its best to move them to a bigger container .
old rectangle ice cream tubs are ideal with an air stone about 2 inch down from the top so it doesnt chuck them about.
or you could move them into the bigger tub strait away as they hatch as i used to useing the pipets you get out your meds just widen the end abit useing a nail. suck them up with it iv found its sound for moveing them as there hatching and you can count them aswell when theres loads this way lol.
when you start feeding them do 2 water changes a day about 25% to start with working up to 50% with the same water temp takeing out any uneated foods and keep the sides and bottom clean as there prone to bactarial deasese stick to that routeen mate and you carnt go far wrong you may loose a couple on the way but most should survive
good luck with raiseing them wayne :good:

great m8 ty, did all you said except i used my little plastic shrynge to move them and it worked great :)

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