Fish Crazy
Thanks again Inchworm for all the help. I am now in the process of moving my Amano Shrimp out of my 5 Gallon tank into my 20 Gallon Guppy Fry tank (Guppy Fry are big enough to munch the baby Corys)!!
I will then transfer the little Corys into that one until they are big enough to go into my main community tank. Something tells me I may be getting more tanks soon!! I will now go and look up Microworms and Brineshrimp Hatchery's. (I only have frozen Baby Brine Shrimp at the moment).
So much fun. 3 days ago i didn't expect i would be doing this lol
I will then transfer the little Corys into that one until they are big enough to go into my main community tank. Something tells me I may be getting more tanks soon!! I will now go and look up Microworms and Brineshrimp Hatchery's. (I only have frozen Baby Brine Shrimp at the moment).
So much fun. 3 days ago i didn't expect i would be doing this lol