Cory Eggs! Pictures Added!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2012
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Well Sam the fat Eric cartman cory I think has laid eggs.. There are hundreds of them and im currently trying to remove them from the glass with the danios doing everything the can to munch them! Originally I thought they were the loach eggs but sam has somehow shrunk!

Here are some snaps.. I currently putting them in an ice cream box lol :)

Any advice would be great thanks!


Wow, that is awesome! My cories have spawned before but I've only ever had a few eggs. That is incredible!

This is the thread I made when I first got eggs and I was given some good advice which will likely be helpful to you.

My advice to you at the moment is to just float the ice cream tub in your tank to keep the temperature right until they hatch. Put an airstone in the tub as well to keep the water circulating. You'll want to check them once or twice a day for any that have gone fungal or weren't fertilised and remove them. I've heard of people putting a little bit of Pimafix/Melafix in the water to help prevent fungus growing but I'd recommend you do some more research into that before trying it out.
Holy cow that's a lot of eggs! I'd follow Cezza's advice. Are you sure they're cory eggs? Never seen so many in one drop.
Well, there are two options they could be. Sam was very fat for a long time and doesnt seem so big now. The picture is only half the eggs that has been sprayed around the tank aswell. The other fish would be my YoYo loach that has been becoming larger by the day so I do not fully know?? I haven't had a good look at her as she doesnt normally come out till about feeding time!

I managed to scrape them all over (lost a few through my own fault and through the danios greed) and put them in the ice cream tub, which is now sitting at the top of my tank with holes in it next to where the water flow comes back into the tank.

There are more eggs on the back of the tank behind the air wall that I cannot get to so they will have to be risked. I have counted around 50+ in the tub. I have no idea what to look out for now!


Just seen the yoyo loach and she is still very round so they have to be cory eggs

Some of the eggs seem to be white all the way through and the other same colour as they were.. Is there any problem with these eggs and how long do they take to hatch? :)
Solid white are infertile,so discard them... eggs can take 3-6 days to hatch depending on cory species & tank temperture :good:

They're defo cory eggs - you should see what my fat albino big momma lays when she gets going :rolleyes: :lol:
THEY ARE HATCHING!!! 2 so far!! Cant believe how tiny they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 hatched this morning, still more eggs wriggling around :D Moved them into a new ice cream tub with some sand and a few smooth pebbles and crushed some flake for a very long time so they are microscopic and put some in :)
They are def cory eggs. My bronze girl churned out at least 150 last time lol - good luck with these little guys!
Thanks! Sam was massive before dropping. A lot of the eggs are white but don't want to disturb them incase more hatch from others do will leave them another day or 2
Must of mis counted.. I have 5 hatchlings. They are doing well in their Walls Ice Cream tub! lol :)
Never had cory's breed before, got 3 bronze and one got larger and larger, ok female i guessed.

Then her and the males went loopy for a bit next thing i knew i had eggs in neat little batches on tank glass, i was only drawn to this as the platys were showing interest in the tank sides, before i turned lights on in morning, i was to late, all but a coupld had been munch.

So i moved all the platys and the plec, left the pair of rams as they did not seems interested in the eggs.

She laid again, 3 quarters had turned white, got a dozen or so ready to hatch, then as i looked one popped off the side, saw this little tail going like mad and settled tothe bottom of the trap.

To protect the eggs this time i had use a small fry tank covering the eggs and secured so the rouge snails i can not get rid of wouldnt have a feast.

I watched this little ball with a tall for a good half hour, it has happy wiggling its tail at bottom of trap, i turned off the lights as off to bed, but thought hang on if im only gonna have one cory out this bunch though better move to a smaller fry tank with samller vents,

I turned the light back on and its gone, im gutted cant find my first ever baby cory.

So tempted to moved the others which i know will hatch but dont wanna crush them

i have syringes i can gently suck the unhatched eggs into and move to the safer fry tank.

Sorry for the story but it was amazing to see that little thing pop off side of tank and wiggle its tail like mad, its prob moved and fallen through the vents in the larger fry tank.

So sad.
Hi sneakyprawn, next time you see eggs remove them from the glass, place them in a pot (I'm using a cut off cola bottle) with an air stone in with them and use a strong clip to secure it to your main tank. Change the water daily (I used the water from my main tank) and once they hatch leave them in the bottle for up to a week. Feed them either TetraMin baby or hikari first bites 3 times a day.
It's what I'm doing at present and it's working. I've borrowed a small 10 litre tank and the babies are in there on their own with a layer of sand, a small piece of bogwood so they have a hidey hole and plenty of java moss. There's also a heater and air stone in with them as they are so tiny they'd get sucked into a filter at present.

Hope that helps :)

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