cory being added to a tank with a loach in it


New Member
May 24, 2004
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good or ba idea? a loch i mean Gyrinocheilus aymonieri or Indian sucker , chinese algae eater.
cus its doin much and catfish will do mcuh more but i'm afraid that they wont mix. will they?
i dont think a chinease algea eater would like the slime coat off a rough skinned cory. how many were you thinking about? cories do best in groups
mine is old now and i havent notice it being that aggresive. i am only putting one cory in (off a mate)
Hi braders :)

Corys are a schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 3 or more.

Corys are defenseless fish and being part of a school, like they are in nature, lets them feel less afraid and timid. As a member of a group they enjoy a feeling of "safety in numbers."

Please get more than one cory if you get any at all.

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