Cory Attacked or something else


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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Leeds, UK
Hi, a bit worried, we have two Bronze Corys, and it would appear one of them has been attacked, his fins are slightly smaller, but more importantly, his tentacle seem to have disappeared, not sure who has attacked him, the neon tetras or the Black widows.
Willt his affect him big time?
Neons and skirts don't attack fish at the bottom-- they rarely go down there. Are you sure it isn't fin rot?

As for the barbel, is it blunt or totally gone? Anything growing on it? It should grow back from what other people said...

Can you isolate the fish?
Cheers for the advice, have put some fin rot stuff in the tank, he seems to be the only one affected, unfortunately we can't isolate him.
Though having looked at him, it does not seem to be the case, he looks quite anaemic (if it is possible for a fish! :) ), pale, and quiet.
I have had this happen to 2 cories in two different tanks, one with gravel and one with sand substrate. I have read they can grow back but I'm sad to say my two died so just prepare yourself... Make sure he is eating and treat for fin rot and hopefully you'll be luckier.
Well, thought I would let you know, he is still with us, he seems to have got a bit more colour back, his tentacles, they are still not there, but we shall see!
The tentacles should grow back. Be careful not to add too many medications to your tank or you may kill off your biological filtration and cause a re-cycle.

I would not put it beyond widows/skirts to nip a cory and I have to disagree about them not going near the bottom...

Neons wont normaly nip.

If your substrate is course this may have caused your cory's barbels to be worn down.

Nipping or wearing down may both have lead to stress and infection which might explain your cory's behaviour and pale color.

Also, what size tank do you have and what are the water parameters?

If you have room, once the fish are all healthy again, I would add at least 2 more cories. They are shoaling fish.
We have another cory in the tank, no problems ever with him, 24 gallon tank ( details below)
What are your water parameters like? ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH etc? If the water is in bad condition it could cause corrosion or infection on the barbels which would result in their becoming blunt or even completely missing (though the other cory would probably also show signs of it). Personaly, I blame it all on the black widows :p

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