Fish Fanatic
Don't know if anyone else has seen this...Please let me know! I have a HOB filter, with the nozzel directed along one edge of my hex tank. Sitting on the sofa, enduring yet another episode of "Relocation, Relocation" (Curse that program to the 7th circle of hell ) with my better half, I noticed a one of the corries hanging just behind the filter...Taking this as a not particularly good sign, I started taking more notice...He swam into the stream of water, tumbled about a few times, and then swam back for another go....his two friends also followed suit??!! Now that I watch for it, they 'play' like this quite a lot...I was worried that they were trying to rid themselves of something (similar to flicking or rubbing) so did all the tests, water params are fine, temp is great and water is crystal. I can come to no other conclusion that I have California style Surfing Corries! Am considering buying a Quicksilver tank now...
Any comments? I'll even try to video them in action...perhaps a new extreme sport os being born? Perhaps not.
Cheers and Beers
F&I B)
Any comments? I'll even try to video them in action...perhaps a new extreme sport os being born? Perhaps not.
Cheers and Beers
F&I B)