Can't argue with that. The biggest threat to the planet is that there are too many people on it. We constantly seek ways to extend life, produce more people and induce them to spend more money. Money comes before the environment. Interesting piece on telly about why electric cars were bad and it was so important to get the oil industry going because of all the jobs it would save in Texas. New ways of doing things will create jobs, not cost them. Those stirring up the fear are those that would lose the obscene amounts of money they make. It has nothing to do with saving the jobs of ordinary people, its all about protecting and increasing the wealth of the wealthy.
Did you see the Attenborough programme on extiction? Its quite staggering how many species of plants and insects have become extinct in our own generation, and the rate at which the natural part of the planet is reducing.
Coronavirus Letter To Humanity
The earth whispered but you did not hear. The earth spoke but you did not listen The earth screamed but you turned her
It's definitely the over consumption that'll destroy us.