My mum was quite ill for a night (aches, temperature and, unusually, vomiting). My dad was fine. There is a theory that women are more likely to have side effects than men. A female colleague had aches/ lethargy but it was only for about 4 hours. Other female colleagues haven't had any side effects.I've had a sore arm for 3 days after every injection I've ever had. Every flu jab over the last 20 years has given me a 3 day sore arm; even local anaesthetic injections at the dentist leave me with a sore jaw for 3 days. So it was no surprise that I had a sore arm for 3 days after the Covid jab.
The day after I had dose #1, I did wake up with a fuzzy head and during the day I developed a temperature of 38 deg C when normal for me is around 36.5 and I felt very tired. It felt like I was starting a cold but without the sneezing and runny nose. The next morning I woke up and apart from the sore arm I was back to normal.
The side effects were at lot less than having a cold and it won't stop me having the second dose or any future boosters.
My husband just had a sore arm.
Covid symptoms last a heck of a lot longer and, as we all know too well, can be a lot more serious.
We have already had 11 months of restrictions, I won't be prolonging it. As soon as I'm offered a jab I'll take it.