

Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2005
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Went out yesterday and got 6 cories! Two bronze, two Julii, and two albino. They are cute little things Fed them catfish pellets just now, and some ate the tetra prima. Ive got so many different foods on the go right now, its unbeleivable! lol

I have:
Tetra min - Normal fish flakes
Tetra Prima - Fish granules for fish and catfish
Frozen bloodworm - Bloodworm for fish and catfish
Frozen black mosquito larvae - black mosquito larvae for fish and catfish
Frozen artimia - brine shrimp for fish and catfish.

Lets all list what kinds of foods we are currently feeding to all of our fish!

And photos coming up, about to take some.

EDIT: Taken photos with dads bad camera, as my sis has important stuff on the good cam that might be deleted. Ill take some better pics with that camera when she gets back and "allows" me to use my dads camera!

EDIT: sorry guys, my dads camera uploads and resizes to this size! :S . I dont know how to change it, but im always ready to learn! ;) . *hint* *hint*

Got them. here they are, be warned. Fuzzy Photos ahead!

This i now call the cory corner! :lol as they seem to like it already! Only problem is its shaded with less light there so hard to get pics of them :S .

An albino cory. Tiny little things! :)


Aside from the cories, this is a plastic cup! . I put this in the tank and covered it in sand. It was so camoflaged! (sp) the only thing that made me take off the sand from the top was me seeing my biggest BN having a little trouble in there, and so i took the sand off so i could see any problems if they occured.


A new easy to grow plant


Another easy to grow new plant that i like the look of


Another easy to grow plant that started to die in the car. My parents decided to go trouser shopping with the fish in the car!


The tank as it is now


A bronze cory. Beware of the fuzziness! ;)


Another... or the same bronze cory!


Another another... or the same bronze cory! :S Getting confuzzled.


Another ano - never mind. A bronze cory. :)


- - - -_-...


Hooray! something that isnt bronze! An albino cory


The bigger of the two bron... --- ... copper? cories... -_-


And another albino cory that looks even smaller than it is at the back of the tank! :D

PS: All of the cories are currently babies :)

Time for more pics! Feeding time!!! :D







Erm... this is kinda weird but good too! :D . The cories have been in my tank for 24 1/2 hours and the bronze cories have just bred and layed eggs! :rollin There are none on the glass, which seems to be the most common place for them to lay, but the most are on plants and on the plastic half cup i put in there 2 days ago. Not worried about keeping them, but would like to rear a couple and give back to shop. So far counted around 70 - 80! B)

EDIT: Forgot, I have some pics! Not that good because sister needs good cam for school -_-





Some keep getting eaten by zebra danios, but she is still laying more

Hi dobbygolem :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

I bet you are excited about your corys spawning! :wub: It's a wonderful thing to happen, especially when it's so unexpected. :thumbs: There are other members here who will help you raise them, and of course I will too.

But first I have to ask you to fix the pictures you posted. They are not coming up and the ones that are are way too big. If you post in this section, someone will either help you or direct you to a thread that has already been made with instructions about how to do it.

Just say your pictures are making Inchworm crazy! :lol:
wow! those critters didn't waste much time ! did they?

I have lots of bronze cories now too, but only 1 albino, 1 peppered, and 1 schwartzii. I think eventually I will have more albinos even if i don't buy any, but I'm thinking about buying another schwartzii or 2 some time because they are very cute and the one that I have is pretty small. Poor pepper, would then be the only one without another of her exact species, so I would be tempted to remedy that, but I;m already pretty crowded, and she currently my biggest tropical fish only the 3 goldfish and 2 furry cats are bigger. I wonder how it would be to breed 3 species of cory in the same tank. I do get a surprizing number of fry growing up in the gravel and appearing after staying hidden for a month or 2.

Listing foods sounds like fun.

(leaves computer and comes back with armfulls of containers from on top of the kitty condo next to the comunity tank)

Let's see.....
Wardley tropical crumbles
Hikari multi-vitamin enriched daphnia
Aquarian bottom feeder shrinking shrimp pellets
Warley algae discs
Tetramin variety wafers
Tetra freeze dries bloodworms
Nutrafin max spirulina algae flake food
Tetramin tropical crisps
Hikari "first bites"
Tetracolor tropical flakes
Wardley premium tubiflex worms (in cube form)
Hikari multivitamin enriched ocean plankton ( a bit big fro most of my crittes - I couldn't tell without opening)
Nutrafin max livebearer food
(and goldfish flakes, goldfish pellets, and baby shrimp upstairs,
and maybe 1 live brine shrimp and a bunch of egg/salt packets and whatever is in the black box shrimpery thing that isn't dry {1 empty, 1 maybe not - 2 shrimperies}
I think the liquifry is gone)

can we do that? with brands and all? Anyway, that's about what I happen to have. Enough?
and I think I have cories taht would be willing to eat any of it if given the opportunity. They clearly don't get all of it every day. But their little whiskers are almost always busy feeling around for something. pinki rests out in the open a lot, usually in the corner next to the bunk bed, which is often ocupied by some of the cories. They mostly prefer my large ceramic shells, and Pepper does spend more time hiding than most of the others, at least during the day.
yeah, these guys are fun. :wub:
yeah, i know. Im really quite proud of them... and myself! :lol: the water conditions must have been pretty good for them to a day and half an hour after they were put in the tank breed... If that makes any sense... I couldnt put it the right way lol. i dont mind if some cory eggs get born, and they survive, but im not going to go through the process of moving all fish to different tanks, moving the eggs, putting air stone below eggs, etc because 1 i dont have enough space in the other tank and 2 i wont be keeping them anyway. Sure, if they grow up, i will gladly give them for free to the shop i bought the parents from but id rather just let nature take its course. Once the tank is set up for a bit longer, with the other fish i am hoping to get in there in, i may decide to breed them. But im not going to be getting extra tanks and other things for the babies to grow in. I will most likely just let them roam free with plants for cover. Do the parents eat their young?

What i did notice yeaterday, was the beonze cories, mum, and dad, were looking like they were eating the eggs :fun: upon closer inspection, they were removing fungussed eggs! They were also blowing water at the eggs (To help keep good water circulation over the eggs?) and were cleaning everything that had a possibility of laying eggs on! B) They really seemed hyperactive, with way too much energy to spare, didnt care what i was doing outside the tank, and carried on laying more and more eggs, just to get eated an hour later! :S Now there are... hang on a sec..... 11 eggs that i can see. 2 of them looking a bit fungussed. All (that i can see) of the other eggs have been eaten. These 11 were layed on my corkscrew vallis and blend in perfectly, sure thay arent the same color but they really are hard to see. maybe thats why they havent been eaten yet.
Hi dobbygolem :)

It's great that you had the opportunity to watch your corys spawning. It's something I never get tired of seeing. :thumbs:

If you ever change your mind and decide to breed them and raise a batch of their fry, please share your experience with us. They are an excellent fish to start with if you have never raised egg layers before, and fun even if you have. :D
Dont worry, ill post my experiences up to date. I may have posted before or not (i go onto different tropical fish forums and cant remember which ones i posted in :p), but 11 eggs have survived 24 hours so far... The rest were eaten. These eggs were layed onto a planted vallis and although they are not the same color, and there arent exactly that many leaves covering them, they are quite hard to see! :) Maybe a few cories i can raise... But i would just like to say that my bristlenose catfish (female) i just found out of the water! :-( She jumped out of the water but not out of the tank, there is a sort of inner square that i hold my light on, she had jumped pretty high and had gained three deseases while thrashing about out of the water... :( When i found her, she had hole in the head, whitespot, and some sort of desease with the "skin"... (It was all wrinkled, maybe just fro being dry) So i got a tub, filled with dechlorinated water and went to put her in the tub, to try to revive her, when i accidentally dropped her into the main tank! I quickly picked her up again and put her in the tub. Despite my best efforts, she was long gone... :( I just want to know, will anything be harmful to the fish in my main tank, because i dropped her in?

I think that i could have stopped this, because last night while i was in bed, i heard a splash coming from what seemed like the small tank. I thought it was just where a fish had jumped out slightly and gone back in, as sometimes they do. I am now thinking that this could have been coming from my big tank, and was my bristlenose dying while i was in bed! i did think about looking to check if all my fish were alright but i was sleepy! :sick: I feel sick. I now vow that the next time i am sleepy, no matter how much, i will get out of bed and check. Maybe she would still be here now. :( I will have to get another catfish sometime, i would like to breed mine. I am depressed! :-(

Oh, and with the cories spawning, i found it fascinating that before the female had even found a place to lay the eggs, she popped them out and held them there with her fins, she clasped her two fins together to hold the eggs, when they would normally be at a 45 degree angle to her body. She then swam around and cleaned things with her mate and when tshe found something good enough, she sort of went belly next to the object, wriggled her back fin really hard, as if she was in a strong current, and then opened her fins that are holding the eggs, shot forward a bit as she layed the eggs, stopped, and then carried on. :lol: it was just quite amazing watching her lay eggs in this way, and if the zebra danios ate them straight away from that spot, she wouldn't lay more there again.

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