Cories Still In Trouble

Yes. The survivors seem to be doing well now. Just waiting for their barbels to grow out again. Thanks for asking!
That's good to know, cory are so cute :wub: yeah i just admitted that, glad the gf doesn't visit here hahaa :fun: ...

Should i quarantine all my cory and treat with melafix or just the ones that're looking abit 'rough'?
LoL you'd think this was a topic i created :fun:
I find that as my wife sees my sensitive side more, she appreciates me all the more. Women are such suckers for a tough guy with a sensitive side. :lol: (You don't want to show it too often, but just give them a glimpse every now and then to keep their interest peaked.) ;)
We see right through you anyway, so might as well just show us what you're really like.

I'd start the quarantine with just the affected ones to start, and if any others start showing symptoms you can put them in the Q tank too. Then do a massive water change on the main tank, and do that every other day or so until all the fish are symptom free.
By the way, MY cories seem to be doing a bit better. I added play sand to the surface of the white sand I had. I'm a little irritated because my water is still cloudy in the 29g for some reason. The 55g cleared up in a matter of a couple hours. I even added a power head to the 29g to help clear it up, but it's still cloudy. I see another huge water change in my future, I guess.
Just an update ... I have one trili left, and she seems to be all right. But she does spend a lot of time swimming all around the tank, not in any panicky kind of way, but she's just always on the move. It's been a couple weeks since the last one died, so I'm toying with the idea of ordering half a dozen and picking them up next Sunday. Does that sound reasonable?

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