Cories - Sand Vs. Gravel

i plan on getting corys once my tanks established. i love the gravel look so will be keeping them with gravel
Cleanliness & good water quality is the key to healthy barbels :good:

...although i still reckon corys act more natural in sand than opposed to gravel, you wont see a cory dive into the gravel nose deep and sift through it like my lot do especially the albinos...(very amusing to watch them on sand).
I absolutely agree with you! My cory do some active sand diving too, and it's a great thing to watch. When I first switched from gravel to sand, the change was just amazing. They went from looking like it was work to find food in the gravel, to acting like they were on vacation at a water park!
My cories literally roll around in the sand, much like a puppy in a mud puddle lol It is so cute to watch.
Well mine are on cat litter and they seem to like it just fine. Bet they dont find that in the wild! unless there is a Tesco Express down there :rofl:
cat litter = clay, probably the most common substrate in nature, well, it is in my carp lake ;)

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