Cories For 54 Litre/ 11ish Gallon (i Think :/)


resistance is futile......
Apr 5, 2006
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title makes it self explanatory really.
I am thinking about buying a 54 litre/11ish gallon tank, and was wondering what corys i could have along with about 5 or so neon tetras (or that kinda size anyway), and whether i am restricted to the pigmy cories, which i dont really want to be, and i know this is probably pushing it but are bronze cories and option? :/ :)
are bronze cories and option? :/ :)

Yes, I don't see why not, as long as you stay lightly stocked for the rest of the tank. I've got 4 peppereds, 4 platys and a guppy in my 70 ltrs- neons have a lot less body mass than platys (and don't poo as much), so I don't think 3-4 bronzes and the 5 neons would be a problem, so long as you wait with adding the neons for a few months after cycling until the tank has matured.
ok thats great because i really like the c. aeneus (sp?). So should i buy the corys first (after the fishless cycle) and have them in for a while and then put in the neons? Thanks so much for the advice. :)

If you get one of the dwarf varieties you can add a bigger group, They are c.habrosus which grow just over an inch and c.hastatus and c.pygmeous which grow 1 inch max. I have all 3 but habrosus are my favourite.

Emma :D
ok, thanks for the advice. Another thing, because they are usually juveniles when you buy them, it is hard to tell between male and female, what if you buy for instance 2 males and 1 female? surely the two males would fight? Plus i dont want any eggs or fry because i dont have anywhere to put them. :)

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