Cories...10 gallon tank


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
i was gonna get some cories for my 10 gallon tank (nothing in it)

i just came back form my vacation and got a magnetic algae remover...and a 3d background! :D

i wanted to have a tank with just cories..i was thinking of 8 more of them at the size of..around 1inch or so i already have 2

is it not such a good idea...i wont have anything else in the tank :lol:
With 8 of them, you would be overstocked based on their full grown size, unless of course you did pretty frequent water changes. The only bad thing is that most of the activity in the tank would be at the bottom, what about adding 5 glowlight tetras to what you already have? :fish:
i dont mind the less activity.........but i was thinking that if i get 10, i can get 5 of my cories to the other tank when full grown? -_- or..8 is good as well :D i have a few guppy fry in a breeder box, i'll free em in that tank with the cory when they are full grown =)
Hi Kevin, good to see you back :D

Have you thought about albino cories......maybe 4 of them and the rest the other kind....they are SOOOOOO active and literally spend half the time swimming, not just on the bottom. Many people here have them and have said the same thing about their actions.......ALL OVER THE PLACE! ;)

Just a thought!
Cories are actually one of the cleanest fish around so you could do 8 with no problem. Their bioload is quite low ompared to most other fish and some people even count them as only half a fish when doing stock.

It's just as someone said, all the activity would be on the bottom of the tank for the most part.
thanks everyone, yes i think getting 4 albino cories might be a good idea, because i have 1 albino cory by it self right now -_-

and teelie, i like ur avatar!!!! so funny!

if i have 4 more albino coreis i will have 5 albino, but i want to make them even so is 5 albino and 5 sterbai ok? -_- (okay i just added 2 more :lol: )

I like cories so much

and will the more of the same kind of cory the more happy they will be? is 5 good enought for a school? :hyper:
I think 5 of each is GREAT!!

I think a small school is like 3 - 5 fish......medium school is 6 - 12......large school is 12+............

that is what I think anyhow......

Good Luck!
silver said:
I think 5 of each is GREAT!!

I think a small school is like 3 - 5 fish......medium school is 6 - 12......large school is 12+............

that is what I think anyhow......

Good Luck!
thank u. i just love! cories! :p

well acually, i still have a (only 1 neon) in that tank, should i move to the other tank to clear the tank out totally or just leave it there with the cories? i am afraid it has the neon tetra deseise so i dont want to give it away :/
okay, so if i want to start..i gotta ask a few questions too.......

1. my temperature now is 80 and my albino is not really active, doing nothing all day but i see him swim at night tho (i sneek up on him)

2. how many hours of light per day?

3. what are "rare" cories? are julii and sterbai?

4. what should the temp be?

5. how big/year old before they can breed?

6. I only feed them flakes, sinking warfers(hikari) and shrimp pellets? is it ok?

thanks alot! :p
Personally my tanks have been around 74-76, and my cories always seemed active. Most likely though the little guy is just lonely that there's no one to pal around with. I know some people say that they have just a single cory or two and they are fine. Mine just seem more active and out and about when then are in a nice group. As far as rare goes, I think it just depends on what's available where you're at.

Not sure about the breeding...

Sounds like they're diet is fine.

This is just a thought, but what about a betta for the cory tank? My betta loves his cories...always "checking" on them. And what betta wouldn't love to be in a ten gallon!!! :hyper: :hyper:
dixaisy930 said:
Personally my tanks have been around 74-76, and my cories always seemed active. Most likely though the little guy is just lonely that there's no one to pal around with. I know some people say that they have just a single cory or two and they are fine. Mine just seem more active and out and about when then are in a nice group. As far as rare goes, I think it just depends on what's available where you're at.

Not sure about the breeding...

Sounds like they're diet is fine.

This is just a thought, but what about a betta for the cory tank? My betta loves his cories...always "checking" on them. And what betta wouldn't love to be in a ten gallon!!! :hyper: :hyper:
a betta is a good idea too...since there will be no conflict and i always did liked..bettas..hmm...but i want a crowntail that unfortunatly is not available where i live :(
also, is it a good idea to add a flower pot (for aquariums) in my tank? will my cories like/need it? :huh:
Betta are fine temperment wise but they can be real pigs and eat anything they get, even food meant for Cories. I keep my temp around 74-76° too. Keep the lights on no longer than 8 hours a day. Food is fine though frozen and live food is better to add to their dietary mix and the flower pot is fine so long as it's not glazed. I have one in my 30 with several Cories though most don't use it.
well when i first started, i brought a "home" for my cories and they really liked it, but now i'm going to re-decorate the 2nd tank and i'm wondering if i will neeed a "home" for them too? -_-
if they all shoal, or school, theyde all go into the same "home". i keep by temp at like 78-80 degrees and my corries are active. u should get the same kinds though because i have 2 diffrent and the shoal/school very little. and some of those places that sell bettas have crown tails and doubles hidden in the rest, so look really hard. i actually got a CT from walmart and petsmart, i looked for like 30 mins and found 1. and not all bettas are pigs. the ones ive had barly eat anything that i feed them.

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