Coral Of The Week : Gorgonians

That Is Muriceopsis flavida I think, photosynthetic so easy(ish) to keep. Still would benifit from the odd feed :)
I am doing regular feeds of phytogold and rotifers. Everything in the tank loves it so hopefully the gorg will be benefitting from it.
I would imagine so :) a good rule of thumb Is that if the polyps are the same color as the flesh it's photosynthetic, if not the it's NPS.
This isnt always the case but it's servede well ;) if on doubt just ask as I can usually (after some thinking time) ID them.
Mine I got yesterday

Been identified as most likely photosynthetic by sorgan :good:

Here's my two gorgonians:

Angel Harp Gorgonian



Red and Yellow Polyp Gorgonian


The harp is Ctenocella pectinata
And the second is Diodogorgia nodulifera I think.

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