Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

Seffie ..once again our stock shows us that they dont go by the rules,lol....the one I had was a rite little tearaway, never pulled it's sweepers in,lol....
As promised my torch

Thanks I am very pleased with it its a shame I cannot get the colours as good as it is in the flesh also its hard to get a good angle on the oral disc this is the same colour as the tips on a normal torch :)
It has been reprted on several occasions that sweeper tentacle tips of E.ancora may sometimes stick to substrate and break off, where they can then form new colonies. If this is true, it would be a totally novel and hitherto undocumented form af asexual reproduction in the cnidarians and should be carefully verified. Furthermore, sometimes these tips are readily broken off in currents, having been completely pinched off by the animal prior to release. This does not seem to occur in stressed or weak corals, and it may be either an unreported form of asexual reproduction or a generalised defense mechanism. Tentacle tips with swollen acrospheres are more likely to become detached, and the drifting tips, completely sealed like neutrally buoyant water balloons, stick onto virtually any surface they encounter, often creating substantial damage to other sessile life, especially other corals.

Aquarium Corals: Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History. Eric H. Borneman. 2001.

Its not E.ancora, but E.paradivisa, has seemed to occur within my aquarium today.


At the moment I am unsure where it went, but will keep an eye out to see if a new colony forms.
Hey guys. I've not been on for a while.

I have 2 euphillia in my tank. Both were purchased as frags from Crazy Fishes on this forum.

My pink tipped green hammer was a 2 head frag when it came and is now twice the size with 7 adult heads and around 10 juvenile heads growing around the fleshy base next to the skeleton.


My Frogspawn came as a single head frag (although it was a large head.) This now has 3 adult heads and 2 juvenile heads growing around the base.

Result x 2!

Will post pics on here and update my thread soon with fts now i'm a year in.

Hey guys. I've not been on for a while.

I have 2 euphillia in my tank. Both were purchased as frags from Crazy Fishes on this forum.

My pink tipped green hammer was a 2 head frag when it came and is now twice the size with 7 adult heads and around 10 juvenile heads growing around the fleshy base next to the skeleton.


My Frogspawn came as a single head frag (although it was a large head.) This now has 3 adult heads and 2 juvenile heads growing around the base.

Result x 2!

Will post pics on here and update my thread soon with fts now i'm a year in.
Well, I never did, look who it is............ woo hoo, does this mean you have come back to us, we missed you, what have you been up to? (woops, maybe answer on your thread :blush: )

Seffie x
Heres our green touch and pink tip hammer. we cant say much about these as they are quite new.


Pink tip Hammer


green touch
Remember, this is a shared and ongoing resource, so don't forget to pop back and update us with your new photos and experiences in the coming months
hmm...I thought I posted my pics here this morning! Anyway, here goes again:

Torch Coral:


Branching Hammer (My sexy shrimp love hiding under it's tentacles!)

Just got this nice Frogspawn. It opened right up in my tank. It's just a baby frag right now, but I hope to see it grow nice and big.

The picture came out quite nice. Starting to figure out my camera.


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