Copper rasbora (Trigonostigma hengeli) in a nano tank?


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Dec 18, 2011
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Where the deer and the antelope play
Does anyone have experience with this species? How active are they?

I'm thinking about replacing my emerald-eye rasboras (Brevibora dorsiocellata) in my Sumatra tank, as they are a bit too active for a 36" x 10" nano tank. I am hoping to add a pair of Betta cochina or rubra soon, and I think the rasbora's activity level would stress out the bettas.

How would coppers do in a planted nano tank? Any experiences appreciated. Thanks!
I've still got a few left from the shoal I bought several years ago. They are not the most active of fish but they do use the whole of my 42 inch long tank. But they don't dash around like, say, zebra danios and mine don't stress the pearl gouramis.
How nano is nano?
I had both mentioned species and did not find them "active," though it has been four or five years since the last of the B. dorsiocellata died and I may not remember too well. The T. hengeli I still had when I gave my fish away earlier this year (due to cancer issues/treatment) and they were quite sedate; they remain together very nicely, but no athletics.

If you get the T. hengeli, get at least 10-12. My older group died off, and the last three or four were clearly not happy, until I added another seven, and then they were together and out and about. This species is a tight shoaler.
I kept some. Found them about as active as harlequins. Not over the top, but I had large shoal and they definitely enjoyed the 55 they were in. How big is the tank?
How nano is nano?

How big is the tank?
Tank is 36" (1m) x 10" wide x about 9" deep.

Thanks for the info, everybody. I might just hold out for some blue rasboras (S. goblinus). I've been wanting to try them again now that my tank has been going for a couple of years. They are definitely a true nano fish.
Tank is 36" (1m) x 10" wide x about 9" deep.

Thanks for the info, everybody. I might just hold out for some blue rasboras (S. goblinus). I've been wanting to try them again now that my tank has been going for a couple of years. They are definitely a true nano fish.
I think they'd be ok in a tank of that size, but the blues are pretty too and may be a safer bet
I started out with blue rasboras, dwarf rasboras (R. maculatus), and a pair of B. imbellis. The bluies didn't make it, I think because my setup was fairly new. I think I'll move back toward my original stocking, but with B. rubra this time.
I started out with blue rasboras, dwarf rasboras (R. maculatus), and a pair of B. imbellis. The bluies didn't make it, I think because my setup was fairly new. I think I'll move back toward my original stocking, but with B. rubra this time.
sounds good. Post pics if it works out!
sounds good. Post pics if it works out!
Going to be a while. TWS won't ship until the low temp is over 20. That might happen next week, or might not happen until April. That's one of the reasons I was looking at coppers. The fish shop in Sheridan has them, and I'm headed up that way in a couple weeks.
I have the espei, practically the same as hengeli as far as I’m concerned.

My 55G (1.2m long) is full of plants at the rear and open area the front half. They swim the length of the tank at the front in 2 groups of 4, or 6 and 2, or all 8 together. Unlike the 5 banded barbs they are not interested in swimming among the plants, although I’m sure they appreciate the plants.

Other fish in the tank are 3 spot gouramis and a moonlight gourami, croaking gouramis, 5 banded barbs and angelfish. All SE Asian fish except the angels. The espei don’t bother any of them.

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