Cool habits


New Member
Jul 20, 2004
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I recently got an african dwarf frog and he does something very strange. I have lots of empty shells littered around the bottom of the tank, but gollum (get it?) always seeks out my black mystery snail grommit. He will burrow underneath the snail and just rest a while while the snail rests ontop of him. This happens even when the snail goes to the other side of the tank. Has anyone else ever witnessed any snail/frog relationships?
how bout a weird snail/fish relationship. one of my bettas tank was getting a lot of algea so i borrowed my daughters mystery snail to help clear it up. now i can't take the snail out cause my betta sits on it to sleep. it is so cute to watch. :wub:
I too had a Betta that was in love with a snail. The Betta was in a 1 gallon because he was, well kind of a bully and didn't get along with the other fish. I got a small ram snail once on a live plant and didn't want it in my tank so I put it in with the Betta. He followed that snail around all the time. When the snail died suddenly the Betta mopped around and wouldn't eat and he soon died too. :-(

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