Converting From Fresh To Marine

Lets see, how should I put this about the Jebo protein skimmer? I'd rather be 5 years old and stuck in a padded room with michael jackson than put one of those on my tank. Waste of money. Skimming is a difficult art to master and you can't cut price corners in attempting to purchase one. The seaclone skimmer (also reasonably priced) is a piece of junk too. If you're a UK resident, ask Chac where to get a skimmer. If you're a US resident, good skimmers include ASM, AquaC, and if you can find one, EuroReef. By far and away the best place to purchase skimmers is used either from a local club, or ebay. If you let us know where you're from, we can point you to a club.

As for the lighting... Their light is not bad, nor is it good. Its two downfalls are that the bulbs are not very efficient and the fans on the fixture are cheap and noisy as all hell. The ballast however functions very well and it still might be worth buying the fixture and replacing the bulbs with something of a little more quality (cause thats a dirt cheap price for even a 4x65 watt ballast let alone one mounted in a fixture). Again, lighting can be purchaseed very affordably used, especially from local clubs. Most of the guys in my club tweak with their lighting all the time and are constantly selling old parts. Worth checking out IMO.

One gets RO water either from a reverse osmosis unit mounted in your house somewhere, or from a local fish store
Lets see, how should I put this about the Jebo protein skimmer? I'd rather be 5 years old and stuck in a padded room with michael jackson than put one of those on my tank. Waste of money.

If you're a UK resident, ask Chac where to get a skimmer.

Dont beat around the bush Ski :lol: :lol:

If you're a UK resident, ask Chac where to get a skimmer.

Dalejr_802 are You based in the UK or US
i live in the us..... os what kind of light should i go with should i use a CF or haliden light and what brand is good for a skimmer and for lights..... i also found a skimmer for a 200 gallon from LFS they used it and i can get it for $120 do u think i should get this and they have a light i dont kno what kind and its only $50 because the bulb need to be replaced so do you think i should get those or go with the one that i tell you
Welcome to my neck of the woods then :). Where abouts in the US? A 200 gallon capacity skimmer might be ok, the important thing to find out is the manufacturer of the skimmer. If its a quality manufacturer, then I'd buy it. As for lighting, here things get really complex... Oppinions on lighting range greatly amongst those in the hobby however there are some standards. First thing to decide though is what (if any) corals you wish to stock, now and in the future. If you're just going for soft corals you can get away with affordable low-power T8 flourescents. If you want to venture into the LPS area, you'll probably want to go with T5 or Power Compact (like that jebo) lighting. And if you want to keep SPS, you're pretty much limited to a large array of T5 flourescents, or Metal Halide lighting. And heck, if you only want fish, you can just have standard T12 flourescents.

Let us know which appeals to you the most and we can offer some more advice :)
im trying to just put just fish after my future tank cycle and then add maybe live rocks and some invertibray if that they are called and im just wondering what are those rock that they use for reef tank are they corals or jsut live rocks, i also found this corallife simmer is this a good one and if u can u can help me choose the best skimmer and light and other things that i need from this website or any other website

one more thing do i need a refractometers and what is it use for and should i go with a in line heater or should i got with a submersable heater and what is the use of Actinic Blue light
Actinic lighting is usually used amongst aquariums for supplimentation to bring out colors and provide some light suitable to certain types of corals. Actinic lighting is blue-purple and makes some corals phosphoresce and glow some really impressive colors.

In the states, probably the Gold Standard for skimmers are those made by ASM. What size is your tank? (what dimensions). And do you plan on using a sump? This will greatly affect your choice of skimmer and lights :)
i hve a 50 gal tank 4ifeet in length n im not usin a sump...... well my plan 4 now is just fish only den add sme rocks n corals wat r d thing that i need 4 fish only n do i hve 2 put sme decor or just sand n fish....n is a moon lite neccesary.....n do u think u can help me 2 set up my tank step by step.... n can i use my existing fw n jst u marine salt thx 4 d help i wil post a pix wen i finish setin it up after u help me 2 set it up
i just set up my tank and its just gonna be a fish only tank for now and i will add some live rocks and corals later my qustion is can i just use a regular t12 light (50/50) for now and do i need to put live corals or its just for bactiria reson i also have a live sand in there would that do for now and does live rocks need special lighting i only have a regular 50/50 light whic i think is only 50 i need any water test kit i already have a ph and ammnia tester what else do i need and my filter only have a sponge, cabbon and biomax will this do the the trick and what else do i need.......i found this skimmer made by coralife the website is on my last post do u guys think i should buy that.......thank u
For a fish only tank, no, you dont need any special lighting, what you got will do fine. LR is the same,it doesnt need any more than your T12.

Dont add any corals, you dont have the set-up for it. If you want to add them later, you need to replace your lighting with something stronger, skimming is going to be very beneficial, and your going to need liverock for filtration, rather than your cannister.

Live sand will work, and its better if you can use live rock. How many Litres/gallons/hr does your filter "filter"? Id be tempted to remove the carbon and add more sponge/wool. Wait and see what others think on that though.

You will want nitrite and nitrate test kits. Also check your temperature and salinity.
so how many pounds of live rocks do i need for a 50 gall and my canister is for a 100 gallon tank and i only have 50 gallon i dont kno the excat gph.........whats the use of live rocks is it just for bacteria and do i need powerhead for the live many powerhead do u recomend (do u think i should buy 3 powerhead that produce 106 gph or is this too much water movement and do u recommend to buy one of those wavemaker outlet the one with timers on i need to put any decoration on my or can i just leave it plain (i have some hard plastic from my freshwater aquarium do u thik i can use that and i have some rock i dont know what kind is it but im pretty sure its not lava rocks
so how many pounds of live rocks do i need for a 50 gall and my canister is for a 100 gallon tank and i only have 50 gallon i dont kno the excat gph.........whats the use of live rocks is it just for bacteria and do i need powerhead for the live many powerhead do u recomend (do u think i should buy 3 powerhead that produce 106 gph or is this too much water movement and do u recommend to buy one of those wavemaker outlet the one with timers on i need to put any decoration on my or can i just leave it plain (i have some hard plastic from my freshwater aquarium do u thik i can use that and i have some rock i dont know what kind is it but im pretty sure its not lava rocks

You will need around 25 kg of Live Rock

& a turnover of at least 20 x you tank volume = 20 x 50g = 1000gph (2 or 3 Pumps/powerheads would be better than just using 1 as you could end up with dead spots)

IMO Plastic Plants is a Marine tank look rubbish

The following is an extract from a previous post of mine regarding Liverock

Live rock is parts of the reef that during hurricans/storms etc. are broken off and lay in the sea bed and become colonised by micro bacteria, copeopds, Amphipods and larger life, the bacteria being microscopic hids itself deep into the very poruse lumps of rock.

This is now termed 'Live Rock'

It is then sold on and is the best, easiest way of Bio-Filtration in a marine tank (**No maintenece needed), when it is introduced to an Aquarium, the life that has either died back or hidden will spring back to life in the following weeks, Mainly the bacertia which is deep in the rock, but it is common to find corals, Algea, muchies, Feather Dusters etc.

** The only concideration you need to give to Live Rock after it is in the tank is FLOW, you must have a continues & good flow over, uder (etc.) or the colonising bacteria will simply die, for your tank I recommend a Flow of no less than 20x, peeps have noticed I personally go for a higher flow than other, (mine is almost 40x) you also do not want any dead spots on the live rock (ie no flow over)

The Bacteria that colonise this rock are both aerobic and anaerobic and there only job in life is to control the levels of nitrites and nitrates.

The reason I say not to use the external is that the media in there once live can quickly dump Nitrates into the tank wheras this will not happen with LR.

:D :D :D :D
how long does it take for the tank to complete a natural cyle.......i have a live sand with it and im tring to buy a live rock so can i buy the LR without any powerheads
Depends on your Liverock

After adding your Live Rock do a complete set of tests


You may see an Ammonia & Nitrite Spike, When this reachs its peak & falls to ZERO then your tank is cycled
Depending on how 'Cured' your liverock is youmay not get a cycle but you will have to keep a track of your Tests

Buying LR without powerheads is pointless as the Bacteria that colonise the Liverock will simply die off & you will have wasted your money on now dead rock
i just bought some LR and my powerhead are comming this thursday so do you think some of those bacteria will still be alive........the only water movement that i have is from my canister filter......i have an extra internal filter that im using for my freshwater so u think that would work until my powerheads arrives
What size o(GPH or LPH) is the cannister

may be fine though

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