Confronting Ignorant Shopkeepers?

not betta related in anyway but i just had to get this off my chest...

according to one shop in Fyshwick, canberra:

"nitrItes are not dangerous for freshwater fish"

verbal battle ensued. rolled eyes and walked out.
My local aquarium here in Coburg gets a lot of mixed reviews on the internet business listings. Some of the tanks are kept beautifully, though the reptile enclosures aren't so nice at times. But it's the betta display (yes, more tiny, filthy cups and miserable, sick or dead fish) and the TINY awful betta cubes on sale which have made me furious.

And some of the dolts who work there swear bettas love tiny spaces and unheated water, yeah...

My daughter insisted on saving one - she's just a kid, so I let her do this kindness, despite my misgivings about ever buying livestock from them. On seeing the betta display, my usually staunch girl broke into tears. There was cloudy water, half filled cups with thick bubbly green algae on top, yellow water, fin rot, droppy miserable bettas, and one little guy (or girl) at the bottom of the shelves, so small it looked barely past a fry. Dead, pale and on its side. It was heartbreaking, it really was. I made sure to speak to several staff members quite firmly (in front of a lot of customers) about how their disgusting betta display made my child cry, and that people come to a store to purchase a healthy pet, not adopt a pathetically ill animal out of sheer pity.

The b**** idiot who was dealing with the bettas DUMPED my daughter's fish angrily and carelessly into a plastic bag. Yeah, that proved some kind of point, what a muppet. I then spoke to an older staff member about this, and the state of the bettas in general, dropping a comment about them being RSPCA cases, and how this did nothing for the image of the store. My daughter added her two cents, still in tears over the sad little dead fish, and we left after being told somebody would 'see to it'.

In a few days, we'll just see whether they 'saw to it' or not. If not, we're calling animal protection. If they can't help, my girl wants to write to the media.
Ive just cycled my tank so been on the hunt for a betta, at an independant LFS i were having a look and noticed 2 or 3 very intresting Betta's that i were tempted by. As i carried on i noticed there were 3 dead fish in tanks. A shark, gouramis and betta. As im sure most of you guys would i caught the eye of a member of staff and quietly informed him of the dead fish. When i mentioned he had dead fish he said yeah i know and named two other fish i hadn't seen. So thats 5 dead fish! im not the most experienced keeper or have never worked at a LFS, but 5 dead fish seemed far to many in a shop with maybe 60 tanks. Either they dont look after their fish or they are clearly not intrested in removing them. I decided to leave without any fish as im not helping to support a place with that attitude towards keeping them.

My local aquarium here in Coburg gets a lot of mixed reviews on the internet business listings. Some of the tanks are kept beautifully, though the reptile enclosures aren't so nice at times. But it's the betta display (yes, more tiny, filthy cups and miserable, sick or dead fish) and the TINY awful betta cubes on sale which have made me furious.

And some of the dolts who work there swear bettas love tiny spaces and unheated water, yeah...

My daughter insisted on saving one - she's just a kid, so I let her do this kindness, despite my misgivings about ever buying livestock from them. On seeing the betta display, my usually staunch girl broke into tears. There was cloudy water, half filled cups with thick bubbly green algae on top, yellow water, fin rot, droppy miserable bettas, and one little guy (or girl) at the bottom of the shelves, so small it looked barely past a fry. Dead, pale and on its side. It was heartbreaking, it really was. I made sure to speak to several staff members quite firmly (in front of a lot of customers) about how their disgusting betta display made my child cry, and that people come to a store to purchase a healthy pet, not adopt a pathetically ill animal out of sheer pity.

The b**** idiot who was dealing with the bettas DUMPED my daughter's fish angrily and carelessly into a plastic bag. Yeah, that proved some kind of point, what a muppet. I then spoke to an older staff member about this, and the state of the bettas in general, dropping a comment about them being RSPCA cases, and how this did nothing for the image of the store. My daughter added her two cents, still in tears over the sad little dead fish, and we left after being told somebody would 'see to it'.

In a few days, we'll just see whether they 'saw to it' or not. If not, we're calling animal protection. If they can't help, my girl wants to write to the media.

Lmao animal protection. The RSPCA or council has hardly any power over pet shops and mammals, much less they could do anything and I mean anything about fish. Trust me, I worked in a bad pet shop and reported the conditions of the dogs and other animals to the council who could do sxxt all. They ended up apologising to the shop after they had sent a notice to the owners about a probable fine and the owners had wiggled out of that via a grey area. Media might be a good way but I doubt many people would care about fish. If its a dog, yeah some would rage over it. Coburg and their sister store upmarket are not good places to shop for anything. If you wonder what the shop could say in their defense, they would say they are medicating the fish. And that is enough for the council or RSPCA. Because you and anyone else can't prove they didn't medicate the fish. They don't have to go to the vet so no receipt. And about the tiny cups, well, for a dog, as long as there's enough space for it to stand up and turn around, that's fine with the law. There's nothing on animal welfare that states how much space a fish needs to have by law. The best thing is just not to support them in any way.
+1 its a sad thing really
The five freedoms do protect fush also but as stated as long as theres room for them to turn 360' like said it dnt even cross the mind :(
pets at home - where pets come first yeah right more like where money comes local pets at home are just one has a clue about fish keeping what so ever.its very frustrating how they can employee these people to sell fish although they have no knowledge about them :no:
+1 and then there's some one like me who has qualification s in animals including fish and you get turned away

I started college at 14 years old and still no fish shop or pet shop like that will hire me I need exp so I can open my own I do disagree with them I had one employee say
"6 goldfish in a 60L I would never do that" ( at this time I was new at fish keeping we all made mistakes :p )

And she said you'd never find in their shop that many in one tank so I looked and pointed out that in that 30l there where 40+ goldfish can you explain that?

"umm no I think they are in perfect condition"

#40## pet shops just out for monies :(

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