Confirm, Please!


Fish Herder
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I want a pleco and am trying to figure out which one to get and which tank to put it in.

I have a 20 gallon that I'm about to move 6 diamond tetras into. I am planning on making it a low-medium light tank. I also have a 55 gallon planted with gouramis, loaches, and barbs. Will be overstocked once everything grows out but I do a lot of water changes and plan on doing something about this before they get too crowded.

I am considering getting a bristlenose pleco and/or a bulldog pleco. What I would LIKE to do is get one or two bristlenose for the 55, and a bulldog for the 20. Is this a good idea?

I saw 2 healthy looking bristlenose and one whitespot bulldog (white on black) on Thursday and hope they are still there and doing well for me to get possibly this afternoon or monday.

Since I've never had a pleco before I thought I should ask. I do not know how they would interact with the loaches.
sounds fine to me... just keep in mind that if you end up with a pair on BN's they will probubly end up breeding ;)
Wonderful! I just got online to see if anyone said anything before I left to go up there. Hopefully they will still be there. Thanks for the reply!

Well, here is what I came back with. Two plecos, but I'm not sure what type. They don't have as defined of spots as I remembered them having...
And they must have sold the white on black bulldog plec I was planning on getting.
They actually sold these to me as bulldog plecs but they don't look like bulldogs to me. What are they? I may be able to get better pictures later if needed.


Thanks ahead of time,

OK I'm trying to help myself out here. These looked similar to me.

Opinions? How big do we think they'll be getting?
Yes! Thats it! Thank you very much. They are hopping around my quarantine tank right now. And I noticed that they changed color. They were much darker in the store on black gravel. The tank they're in now has natural gravel and you can barely see them they blend so well.

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