Complete Newbie

Arcticfox1977 said:
Is there a decent algae cleaner for a 95l tank? Also how long should I have my lights on? I have no real plants.
I am also looking for a good fish food for my tropical fish. Currently feeding them British king flakes. This was supplied with our tank.
I have always used Sera Vitagran granules - the same ingredients as flakes, but they sink much easier, so the fish at all levels in the tank get a fair share.
This Old Spouse said:
Yeah, and that ....

I knew it didn't sound right.
Would it be possible to get a puffer fish along with shrimp in my tank at the moment? My stock is my SIG.
Just wondering as my son loves memo and wants a puffa and shrimp.
I think the puffer will probably view the shrimp as lunch.
+1 - just because they did something in a movie doesn't mean its a good idea in real life.  If you remember, the fish also took a ride in a pelican's mouth without it eating them.  Movie producers/directors seem to have a different view on reality than the rest of the world.
That's actually a valuable lesson to teach your kid.  Not everything that works in a movie works that way in real life.  In separate tanks though, both could certainly thrive!
I understand bout movies and real life. I am new to this and wasn't sure if the two went together. Now I know its 1 or the other.

Does anyone know if you can get a bigger bottle of tetra aqua safe? It seems the biggest they sell is 500ml. As I'm doing the fish in cycle, I am doing lots of water changes, so going through loads.
Check on ebay. Better yet, switch to Seachem Prime, which looks more expensive but you use a lot less and it's much, much better, costs less in the long run.

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