Fish Crazy
Yes, someone else has said that to me also. Just thought you could buy individual bottles.
I've read the beginners guide.This Old Spouse said:Click on the link in my sig which will bring you right to the Beginner's Resource Center.
I've had fish in the tank just over 2 weeks now. I am using dechlorinator for my tap water. I am checking my water levels twice a day. Sometimes I can go 2 days with no ammonia. Other times it will be 12 hrs the ammonia hits 0.25 this is when I do water changes.eaglesaquarium said:How long has it been?
By removing the ammonia when it reaches low levels, you are keeping the nitrite down too. Which isn't a bad thing. The bacs you want thrive in very low nitrite environments so, you are really slowing the process down by doing the water changes, and you are keeping the fish alive, which is the most important thing.
Like I said it can take a couple months, sometimes. I assume you are using dechlorinated water for your water changes?