Compatability Etc, First Tank Pic


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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First tropical fishtank, have kept goldfish, pleco, and zebra danios before in coldwater.



3 fake plants, 3 real, getting 7 new real ones.

If you're wandering, the white sack thing in the top right thing is something called nitra zorb, like a big teabag, which my lfs told me i should get after they tested my water and had high ammonia and nitrate or something like that.

Hopefully getting fish in about a week, fish i'm thinking about: Tetras, platys, guppys, amano shrim/otocinclus to eat algae, zebra danios, and pleco if i could find a variety that wouldn't outgrow my tank too quickly.

Other fish i am interested in are pygmy puffer, phantom glass catfish, gourami, male betta, cory, molly, endler and some others.

Do these look like they will be able to live with each other, and has anybody got any recommendations for other fish that i could try?
You don't need the nita zorb in the water just change your water every other day to lower your levels. The more natural way is the way to go, you just need water conditioner for water changes and meds if your fish get ill. The less, the better with a tank. Platys and mollies are live bearers if you are getting those make sure they are all female or male so you don't have to worry about all the babies you will get, which will be alot in a little time period. Make sure you don't get a common pleco they get tooooo large, get a rubbernose or there is another type, can't remember the name. They don't get that big. Make sure when you are looking at fish that you don't overload your tank. 15 gallons is what you have there and you will have to consider the adult size of the fish. A male betta needs there own tank, so forget about that. 2 gouramis with 6 tetras (there are so many types, check out which ones you like better) and maybe the pleco and that is it for your tank. Post your final decision of your stocking and people will let you know if it is doable.
Have you been cycling your tank, if so make sure that ammonia and nitrites are at 0 for a week before putting fish in. And you can add 1 type of fish at a time so not to mess up your readings. Do you have a test kit if so tell us the readings you have now.
I agree with 'love cichlids'... You don;t need the nitra zorb. If you don't have fish, just cycle with out it until all your levels are good, then do fish at that time!

~ Wonderboy!

ps - Looking great so far!! Keep it up!
Thanks for replies,

im not really sure if i am cycling the tank, i have had it set up for 2 weeks to get warm and everything, but not put any dead shrimp or anything in, which i've read other people doing :/

Also are Amano Shrimp and Phantom Catfish able to be in with other fish, and can they be on their own?

Should gouramis be kept in pairs? if so is it male + female, and are they likely to breed?

Do different Tetra variety shoal together?

Sorry for all the questions! :fun:
k forget phantom catfish just read they should be kept in shoals, which i dont have space for. Which type of gourami do you recommend?

I have read up about cycling, could i cycle my tank with neon and glowlight tetras? if so how many

No, Neon's like a more mature tank and wouldn't cope with it. I think the only fish that would be hardy enough would be zebra danios or platties, but it's better for the fish to do a fishless cycle #9cycling with fish can be detrimental to their health and life expectancy). Good luck with the cycling :good:
does anybody know where i can find a good website on fishless cycling? thanks

asap please my local pharmacist closes at 6, in case i need to get ammonia !
is this a good guide to follow for fishless cycling, or does anybody know of a better one?

now all i need to get is ammonia, nitrite and nitrate testing kits, hopefully at the weekend! Would it be alright to add a little ammonia before i get the testers, if so is about a teaspoon okay?

Thanks for help :good:


ps i have taken nitro zorb out, but when i have cycled tank should i put it back in?

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