Companions for my future oddballs


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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As most know, I have my spiny eel. I will be moving him in the larger amazon tank sooner or later, with my other future black ghost knife, what fish would be not too small to go with 2 of these oddballs? The black ghost knife is about 2.5 inches and my eel is about 3 inches. What good fish can live peacefully with fighting or being eaten by them? I'm prefering a fish that swims near the middle/top. And some nice bright multi-colours. I was thinking gouramis. What do any of you think?
I don't know anything about ghost knife's (knives :lol: )

But,my spiny eel is so, so very peaceful & get's along with all kinds, he lived with gouramis once, no problems. He loves the loaches that he lives with, they're long and slinky like him and he likes to curl up with them, he even moved out of his long-time cave and over with them :wub: . He lives with some cichlids but I'm more afraid of them hurting him rather than him hurting them ,he would never. I tried to feed him feeder guppy fry once and he just looked at them like "awww aren't you cute" :rolleyes: ,very gentle so IME you can add many,many different fish
thanks wumvy, it looks like im pretty safe with the eel, what about the BGK? :blink: (Anyone else? - preferably 'ghostknife' seems to be good with BGK's)
hi eelzor,

from my lil 'research' on the net, the BGK shd be kept with peaceful fish not smaller than 3 inch. amongst the compatible species are angelfish, discus, gouramis, eartheaters & catfish.

my 3.5 inch BGK is always seen hangin out wif my 3 x 4 inch upside-down catfish (synodontis nigriventris) at nites :)
thanks sovaq, I was considering gouramis, I guess that concludes my search. :)
Gouramis would be a great addition to your current fish. If I may suggest another oddball, the African Butterfly is a surface dweller that is quite an interesting looking fish. Not really active until feeding time and very passive towards my other fish (Paradise Fish, Zigzag Eel, Peruvian Puffer, Pleco, etc)

hello eelzor

Bgk in my opinion are very peaceful and can be kept with loads of things i have kept mine with sailfin mollies, Giant danios and other fish.
The only problem is when they get fullsize (20cm+) they can eat small tetras.

I have never kept mine with spiny eels but i have owned a spiny eel and is fine with most fish to so they should be fine together.

Hope this is helpful


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