Community Chiclid?


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Runcorn, UK
I've read in one or two books that some of the smaller less aggressive Chiclids can be kept in a largish community aquariums as long as they have lots of hiding places, i.e. caves and suchlike. Is this true and more importantly is it recomended. As someone fairly new to the hobby Chiclids ofcourse have a massive appeal to me, as they do most aquarists i've spoken to. I hope one day to be able to have a Chiclid species 2nd tank but up until i'd like to know if I could enjoy a pair in my community aquarium.

Thankyou in advance. :)
What do u have in ur community tank?

and the soze of ur tank?
was u thinking of any cichlids to put in your tank?

I've read a little on the Krib. It seems to be quite a placid fish that can adapt to a communtiy surrounding. I was wondering if anyone had had any other variety, or even the Krib, and succesfully kept it in a community aquarium. :)
Angels can get aggressive if they pair. Apistogrammas would work, and leave you room for other fish.
Angels can get aggressive if they pair. Apistogrammas would work, and leave you room for other fish.

I am considering Angels at some point. I thought that Rams could be quite aggressive themselves?
U must be a lucky one, everyone i asked say they had to take them back as they kept on attacking all there fish, are they a breeding pair?

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