There is an employ at my local pet paradise (yes i know not a good store) but he is one person ive actually seen care for fish, he may go overboard with some stuff as some people think but i think he is totaly in the right for doing it, thy had a decent pleco about 6"-7" and a guy came in to buy it and he asked how big of a tank he had the kid was like 10 gallons and he told him there is no way he would sell this fish to him and then the kid thought he would fool him by telling him oh ya and a 50 gallon which he then asked for a picture for proof then he would sell it to him, long story short...he didnt get the fish

and this is not the only situtation like this he will not sell any fish or pet in the store to an owner he deems unsuitable.
Again you may say this is wrong but i find this completly right, just because it isnt a person doesnt mean it should be given away carelessly its still a life.
Not sure where you are from, but I to also deal with Pet Paradise!
I live in London Ontario so as far as fish stores go there isn't many!
The 2 Main ones are Big Al's and Pet Paradise and over time this is how I eventually figured out who would continue to get my business
since I buy alot of frozen food for my discus and to lazy to try and find a source to ship to me cheap!
Story Starts with Big Als I had a 55gal tank and some of the information on mixing fish is a little inaccurate from them, even I know with all
the information I have in this trade, but what pissed me off the most with this store was when I purchased Panda Cory's from them and they
ended up having that fungus crap all on the mouth! I ended up losing almost the entire batch and treated successfully a few, took back for the warrenty with a sample of water and of course I didn't think about the sample of water LoL long reason into a short reason I have a planted discus tank so I inject Nitrate into my tank and usually have anywhere from 30ppm - 50ppm and honestly losing pandas and suffering the loss of them is cheaper than risking my plants I have way more invested into certain plants that just can't be found where I live. The person I took the sample to tested the water and of course wasn't going to warrant the fish due to nitrate 50ppm haha thats because I dosed the tank and took the sample the same time so on my part was foolish i didn't think about it, so then I explained to him about my Planted tank and that I dose Nitrate for Plants and even off the shelf products do the same but just not as high reading in the nitrate area!(I am actually very Horny about the water Quality because this is my Discus Tank so I use to check water all the time) My Test was 0ppm Ammo, 0ppm Nitrite, 50ppm Nitrate,(50 ppm because I just dosed the tank) usually its 20-30ppm in the morning before a dose) long story short he just told me to MY FACE don't care! I even explained the fungus and what it was etc and even how to treat it and with what! Still said to me don't care,(Everything needs to be 0) Long story short a few choice words in my head and me being the most polite person in the world about the situation and calm about it he told me to come back in a week with a sample and he would warrent it if the perematers where right. So of course asked help on here and was welmed with information. So from my Quartine tank I got a sample hehe not from my planted tank took it in and got new corys but I told him I didn't want them from the same tank due to the fungus issue and that all would have to be treated so he said sure pick others you would be interested and well turned out the same way and decided wasn't interested in buying fish from this place ever again, this place sold me a Common Pleco for a 30gal tank when I first started in the Hobby!
So me being pissed off in side but still showing the cool part of me, I konw alot about fish and also stopped supplying them with what we use to breed for them! Basically I stopped breeding all together especially when I had a gourmis fry go bad on me for unknown reason(Think it was from the shock of moving them into another tank)
Well this led me to another lfs near where I live, a place I have never been in cause I heard nothing but bad things about them, so well this is my last chance and hope I find it good here. (Pet Paradise) To be honest I checked the place out before I even thaught of buying anything from them and thaught I better talk with the fish guy there(they have a guy there they call the fish guy). I always went and checked out there discus tanks reason for this is if you keep good looking healthy discus you know what you are doing or at least flying by the seat of your pants and good luck is on your side! I also noticed a person that works there that use to work for big als kinda explains why I don't see him a popular person within the hobby so I went over and talked to him he knew who I was almost right away! I told him I am interested in talking and picking the brain of the fish guy he pointed me to him and introduced me ^^ gotta love it when a employee introduces ya to the fish guy all he said is this kid is a honest kid and alot smarter than you think compaired to regular customers! I don't think the fish guy understood till later on what he was talking about, so of course I picked his brains and to be honest all the fish I baught from him, I never had a issue with I am surprized! From the best suggestions he has given me and from some of my experienced shared with him we had what you would call a real bond! (Mainly because of the discus hehe)
~So he turned around and asked me what I run for a setup, I told him you able to hold your pants up! He said sure try me on for size I said well I ain't gay sorry lol was a Joke he laughed, good a sence of humor and easy to talk to lol! So I told him my setup I have and its a 55gal planted and I run co2 and do EI dosing of course he asked me what is EI dosing he never heard of it so I explained it to him. He was like WoW very nice setup and I always carry pictures on my blackberry around with me so he asked if I had pictures and I showed him and he was amazed, he said he never seen something in the local area so Hi tech of a setup but yet very very intreging to look at he was amazed at the pictures and how well it is working out. I ended up buying discus from him and never had a problem although alway had a hard time getting them to eat but never had an issue with any fish I buaght from him. I even listend to some of the convos he had with other customers about what could go in a tank etc, and seen him refuse selling a Common Pleco so someone

Guess the short story of all this is, he has always treated me with respect always asks to see new pictures of my fish and plants whenever I go in

to me I think this is a true fish guy and from now on they will alway get my business no matter what!
Example ~ Asked about a setup for Africans, electic blues etc ~ and with both stores I told them I know nothing about them LoL
Big Als ~ Said I had a 40 gal planted what can I put in it for them
Answer ~ 15 or so make sure you have it full of them because of aggresion and good filtration
My Answer~Have a good day not interested
Pet Paradise ~ Said well first you would put in about 20 into a 55gal to spread aggression
and make sure your filtration system is good, because they do better in bigger numbers so you would
pack the tank solid with them because of the aggression ~ They are easier to breed they are like humans
They are not like Discus so No worming issues wot really worry about parasites well thats with all fish no matter what
Oh and your 40gal won't work for them its to small min is a 55gal and that is actually even pushing it to be honest should be a 60
to house them coumfrotable ~ and btw I know you are testing me there is no way you don't know about these
I said to him honestly I don't know much about the Africans so ya I am testing you but also being honest at the same time LoL
(So then I asked about Dwarf) He said what you mean by dwarf and what you consider a dwarf?
So then I asked him okay so what can I stalk in a 40gal planted
he said well plenty of options but not africans not any I have anyways, said gourmis certain plecos, guppies, etc stuff like that
Guess what I have made my mind up on what LFS I stay with now!
I would rather have someone that treats me with respect but also isn't afraid to speak up and say
you can't house them! Go bigger or don't bother with them!
What would you say, btw his discus look very healthy plenty of customers I talked to said he carries the best in town, and many even said
Big als fish look sick even there discus fish look sick! To me they looked sick to....
Basically as a customer you have to do your homework and know a few things before you get into the hobby actualy helps but with a store like pet paradise the one near me anyways atleast he strives to help! Unlike others that would sell you fish that are not suitable for a tank you have
I figured you would enjoy reading this, I was actually doing research on Oto's Cause my fish store has a sale on them 4 bucks ea and thinking of getting 6 of them for my 55 gal planted if anyone can help me out on temps they can survive in from experience I would appreciate it just mail me

, the research is what brought me to this thread looking up Oto's