Common Pleco ( L119 )

NickAu said:
Members have given you good advice in the past and you basically ignore it.
and that's the exact reason why I'll be ignoring any further posts from now on. I give up my time to help people in good faith. I have better things to do really and I definitely have better things to do that try to help time wasters. I've actually wondered a few times if we're being trolled ... snails that were dying then were alive and well and then the next dead and then the next alive and well again ... 
ive already moved the pleco to my 20( as i dont have a bigger tank right now ) im going to be selling it as i can then go ahead and just get a algae scrapper for any that may happen in the tank. More over, for the Nitrites, its not a chemical im adding, its liquid bacteria that has been brought over from other tanks. ( from my 20 mostly ) that i mixed with the nite-out addition
Is this some sort of joke?
Why are you adding bacteria to the tank? Isnt it cycled?
I have better things to do really and I definitely have better things to do that try to help time wasters. I've actually wondered a few times if we're being trolled
Totally agree, I now bow out of this thread and all threads by the OP.
I just got back, what the heck is this thread?

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