N. tretocephalus is commonly known as the 'five banded (or five barred) cichlid'; I don't think N. cylindricus has a common name.
Common names are rubbish, anyway. I'd eat my hat (if I had a hat) if there weren't at least three other cichlids with that common name: which is, of course, why the binomial is infinitely preferable!
Yeah Im pretty sure ive heard the named five banded cichlid being used for a diff fish before. Something tells me finding these 2 fish isnt going 2 be easy
neolamprologus tretocephalus is called five barred in the book i got. the common name for the neolamprologus cylindricus is cylindricus. bet it took em ages to think of that one.
°interesting fact° cylindricus don't touch plants at all. so anubias and vallisneria would thrive.
i don't like common names either i much prefer names i can't pronounce its half the fun
i never get it right. people correct me then i forget again and carry on saying it the way i think. apistogrammar ramirezi is my favourite so far. probably spelt it wrong too lol