This thread looks a mess TBH. There are no water quality numbers posted. Fish cannot recover if their water isn't kept clean regardless. A "heaping" teaspoon isn't a real measurement of an additive and can lead to inaccurate dosages. The fish aren't recovering at all and the disease seems to be spreading from system to system etc.
This is no offense, but the fish are still dying and the disease isn't contained at all. It's time to try someone else's recommendations. Most Columnaris strains are extremely salt resistant. Using salt may slow the progression of disease amongst the fish, but it likely won't save them.
Once again, you need a Kanamycin combo. Me and another member did tell you that. Kanamycin also treats dropsy. I saw goldfish be treated with Kanamycin and Furan-2 survive. I also saw Kanamycin used by itself for Columnaris save many of the fish.
You have livebearers, and though I didn't see your pH posted, if it is high (like above the 7ish range) the Maracyn-2 will have no effect regardless as it does not work at high range pH.
And for the love of all that is good - please don't use the freezing method to euthanize any fish. I wouldn't use that method even on cold water fish, to use it on fish that prefer warm water seems even LESS humane.
But with that said... With the treatment you're using now - I would begin to euthanize ones that appear very sick. You haven't mentioned any sick ones recovering at all. You've only briefly mentioned a slow down of the die off. Please don't allow any more fish to remain alive until only their heads are left. Poor little babies.